Realistic outcome now for rest of season

The season can still be salvaged with a Capital One cup win, an FA Cup win and a top 3 finish.

If Pellegrini had any sense his "playing the kids" would happen in the Champions League as we have no chance of winning that anyway and he would focus his attentions on beating Chelsea in the FA Cup. 2 cups and a top 3 finish would be a good return in what has been a poor season, just winning the Capital One and scraping 4th would be a complete failure in my opinion.
I would take league cup, 4th and CL quarters if offered it right now....

"Progression" in the CL doesn't concern me in the slightest. I don't think we are any better in the competition this season than we have in previous season. Yes we won the group but were beaten twice by the only other good team in it.

We have a kind draw in the knockouts, a two-legged tie we should win but I expect us to go out of the competition as soon as we play anyone decent. Yes, Pellegrini will say we have progressed in the competition should we beat Kiev but I think that will be more through luck of the draw than anything else. I have no confidence in our ability in Europe, we aren't any better this season than previous seasons, we make the same naive mistakes. Our participation in the competition this season depends solely on who we get in the next round and should it be a good side we will be knocked out. To me, this is not progression.
"Progression" in the CL doesn't concern me in the slightest. I don't think we are any better in the competition this season than we have in previous season. Yes we won the group but were beaten twice by the only other good team in it.

We have a kind draw in the knockouts, a two-legged tie we should win but I expect us to go out of the competition as soon as we play anyone decent. Yes, Pellegrini will say we have progressed in the competition should we beat Kiev but I think that will be more through luck of the draw than anything else. I have no confidence in our ability in Europe, we aren't any better this season than previous seasons, we make the same naive mistakes. Our participation in the competition this season depends solely on who we get in the next round and should it be a good side we will be knocked out. To me, this is not progression.
We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
As long as we get slung out of the CL early doors, the pressure will remain to do better and the "underachievers in Europe" label will be stamped on the team.
Getting this monkey off their back is pretty important mentally for future seasons.
We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
As long as we get slung out of the CL early doors, the pressure will remain to do better and the "underachievers in Europe" label will be stamped on the team.
Getting this monkey off their back is pretty important mentally for future seasons.

But do you think we are better in Europe this season or do you think our progress will be solely based on a kind draw? If we beat Kiev and get a Barca, Real or Bayern in the next round have we progressed to the point where we can give them a game or are we still highly likely to get beat?
We have to finish in the top 3, the last thing we'll need next season is even more games!!
A cup would be a bonus, and I think we have a better chance against Chelsea in FA than in the Capital One Final as Liverpool are exactly the sort of team we've struggled against whereas Chelsea don't press as hard is we should be able to play a bit
I would throw the CL now and prioritise the two domestic cups as number 1 focus. If our objective this year was to do better in the CL, we've achieved it - we topped the group. Good enough, now move on.

We have a very real chance of silverware if we concentrate on the FA Cup and COC. We may very well end up with nothing if we field kids in the FA Cup Chelsea game.
I can't see us beating liverpoo.
I can't see us beating Chelsea.
We should get past Kiev but will get knocked out by the first decent team we play.
And as for the league were lucky nitid are worse than shit cos otherwise they would get 4th place
I would throw the CL now and prioritise the two domestic cups as number 1 focus. If our objective this year was to do better in the CL, we've achieved it - we topped the group. Good enough, now move on.

We have a very real chance of silverware if we concentrate on the FA Cup and COC. We may very well end up with nothing if we field kids in the FA Cup Chelsea game.

Well no not really, if we go out at the same stage of the competition then there hasn't been any improvement? We have waited for years for a good CL draw and we finally get one and we should throw it? Bollocks. Throw the FA cup not that we probably would go Chelsea and win anyway. Bag the league cup, as far as poss in the champs league and get top 4 equals success.

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