Really stupid Facebook Status's...

Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
hmmmmmm I think he gets out plenty and lives a life of fulfillment but perhaps you know better?
No, he sounds like he is a real sad **** to be honest.

Facebook is just an extension of ones social circle.

If you add wanky ***** and strangers then of course your experience of it will be shit. I just have people that I am actually mates with (and Timmmahhh) on there and have no issues with it.

Anyone annoys me and I bin them. Very straightforward.

Yeah as I said earlier I have no problem with anyone using facebook why would I? Personally I don't see the need for it and when I did have it, it was just a tool for people to massage their ego with.

Does this also apply to the City players on Twitter and Facebook ?
corky1970 said:
facebook is for nosey bastards

you know this and i know this



dont deny it

also full of spiteful women who "like " or comment " amazing hair cut you look great"

but thinking

" ugly fat ****"

Spot on Corky... it's for nosey, spiteful, smallminded bitches (and that includes the blokes).*

*Except for those who use it JUST for keeping in touch with distant family.
Timmmmahhhh said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
How many pictures is it acceptable to upload?

Under what cirumstances? Location, event, number of people in the picture etc.

I don't know what's acceptable, Everybody is different and likes doing that sort of stuff, Personally I don't understand it, Going into a bathroom by yourself getting your camera out and posing in a cubicle to take a picture of yourself...Why just why?

True, that I don't understand, it was the "Such and such has uploaded 42 pictures" part I didn't understand, people upload photos as it's their method of choice to share them with friends & family.

Any picture taken where posing in a mirror makes you a ****.

(unless you're in a Superman onesie).

You ever see a woman posting up a picture of herself on a night out (One of those pictures where there posing in a bathroom by themselves looking in a mirror)...

They post the picture up (Obviously to get likes and comments), Then when they finally get a like or comment, Her reply is always 'Look at the head on me in that picture'.
Timmmmahhhh said:
I don't know what's acceptable, Everybody is different and likes doing that sort of stuff, Personally I don't understand it, Going into a bathroom by yourself getting your camera out and posing in a cubicle to take a picture of yourself...Why just why?

True, that I don't understand, it was the "Such and such has uploaded 42 pictures" part I didn't understand, people upload photos as it's their method of choice to share them with friends & family.

Any picture taken where posing in a mirror makes you a ****.

(unless you're in a Superman onesie).

You ever see a woman posting up a picture of herself on a night out (One of those pictures where there posing in a bathroom by themselves looking in a mirror)...

They post the picture up (Obviously to get likes and comments), Then when they finally get a like or comment, Her reply is always 'Look at the head on me in that picture'.

I agree with what you're saying on that.

I'm not trying to be an arse here, I'm just wondering what type of photos are uploaded that make you a ****?

For example, the last few photos I have uploaded (I think) are:

- last night, me any my nephew (he's three) in Spiderman masks.
- my works night out on Friday, 20 odd pictures.
- New Years Day, me and my nephew at the Etihad (his first game), 6 or 7 pictures.

oh, and sometime last week I posted a photo of my new socks.

Does this qualify me as a ****?

(I am a **** and reading back through that it appears I am trying to be an arse, my apologies for that)
Josh Blue said:

Quite liked that, though (ok SWP :)) just before I clicked the play arrow I fully expected (and I feel (self) rightly so) the downbeat followed by Subterranean homesick blues tune.
I have been duped Josh, duped.
Markt85 said:
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
No, he sounds like he is a real sad **** to be honest.

Facebook is just an extension of ones social circle.

If you add wanky ***** and strangers then of course your experience of it will be shit. I just have people that I am actually mates with (and Timmmahhh) on there and have no issues with it.

Anyone annoys me and I bin them. Very straightforward.

Yeah as I said earlier I have no problem with anyone using facebook why would I? Personally I don't see the need for it and when I did have it, it was just a tool for people to massage their ego with.

Does this also apply to the City players on Twitter and Facebook ?

Selling a product mostly
Timmmmahhhh said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
True, that I don't understand, it was the "Such and such has uploaded 42 pictures" part I didn't understand, people upload photos as it's their method of choice to share them with friends & family.

Any picture taken where posing in a mirror makes you a ****.

(unless you're in a Superman onesie).

You ever see a woman posting up a picture of herself on a night out (One of those pictures where there posing in a bathroom by themselves looking in a mirror)...

They post the picture up (Obviously to get likes and comments), Then when they finally get a like or comment, Her reply is always 'Look at the head on me in that picture'.

I agree with what you're saying on that.

I'm not trying to be an arse here, I'm just wondering what type of photos are uploaded that make you a ****?

For example, the last few photos I have uploaded (I think) are:

- last night, me any my nephew (he's three) in Spiderman masks.
- my works night out on Friday, 20 odd pictures.
- New Years Day, me and my nephew at the Etihad (his first game), 6 or 7 pictures.

oh, and sometime last week I posted a photo of my new socks.

Does this qualify me as a ****?

(I am a **** and reading back through that it appears I am trying to be an arse, my apologies for that)[/qu

I don't understand people taking pictures of themselves and uploading them to Facebook, For example pictures of them in a cubicle, in there bedroom and I actually seen a few of in a cafe. People putting up pictures of there dinners, (Why sit at the table take out your phone/camera and think to yourself I will put this up on Facebook), Another picture I seen was a woman put up a picture of her bruised foot!!

Id put up the sort of pictures that you would put up, I have pictures of me and my dad at The Eithad, 12 of us went to Liverpool for a weekend I have pictures of that of all of us together, And pictures of Myself and my niece at her first game, Those sort of pictures.
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
hmmmmmm I think he gets out plenty and lives a life of fulfillment but perhaps you know better?
No, he sounds like he is a real sad **** to be honest.

Facebook is just an extension of ones social circle.

If you add wanky ***** and strangers then of course your experience of it will be shit. I just have people that I am actually mates with (and Timmmahhh) on there and have no issues with it.

Anyone annoys me and I bin them. Very straightforward.

Yeah as I said earlier I have no problem with anyone using facebook why would I? Personally I don't see the need for it and when I did have it, it was just a tool for people to massage their ego with.

To balance the argument facebook does have some good qualities, for example, it is good for storing your pictures and finding people you lost touch with but in the long run it is a waste of your potential. If you delete your facebook you won’t lose contact with anyone important because if they are important they will find another way of getting in touch with you. I guess it can really depend on who you have on there but I still standby nobody needs it.

As for you calling the guy a real sad cnut? Very naive, judgmental and a tad laughable.

If a very well read and travelled man with a happy family who runs successful a business and contributes a lot of work to charity and helping others is a sad cnut, I dread to imagine what me and you are mate.
Yes, he is a sad **** and I am also successful, well travelled, well read family (sometimes other peoples but hey ho) man. I am just not a sad **** with it. Plus my charity work is great. Truly it is. I like to keep quiet about though.

You can tell he is a sad **** from his tone and the fucking boring video he made. He is a sad busy **** in fact.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:31 pm --<br /><br />
Blue Tooth said:
The video you posted came from his 'Truth Never Told' You Tube account.
Have you had a look through it by any chance?
At a guess judging by the number of websites he runs this guy spends more time on the web than he does meeting real people.
He's a proponent of gun ownership as a means of being free and a serious conspiracy theorist.
He is on a mission. Not my kinda guy to be honest.
Thanks BT, I just guessed he was a sad **** from his whiny voice (I only managed 7 or 8 seconds) and did no more research.

What you say confirms the sad ****-edness of the "man".
Timmmmahhhh said:
I'm not trying to be an arse here, I'm just wondering what type of photos are uploaded that make you a ****?

For example, the last few photos I have uploaded (I think) are:

- last night, me any my nephew (he's three) in Spiderman masks.
- my works night out on Friday, 20 odd pictures.
- New Years Day, me and my nephew at the Etihad (his first game), 6 or 7 pictures.

oh, and sometime last week I posted a photo of my new socks.

Does this qualify me as a ****?

(I am a **** and reading back through that it appears I am trying to be an arse, my apologies for that)

I don't understand people taking pictures of themselves and uploading them to Facebook, For example pictures of them in a cubicle, in there bedroom and I actually seen a few of in a cafe. People putting up pictures of there dinners, (Why sit at the table take out your phone/camera and think to yourself I will put this up on Facebook), Another picture I seen was a woman put up a picture of her bruised foot!!

Id put up the sort of pictures that you would put up, I have pictures of me and my dad at The Eithad, 12 of us went to Liverpool for a weekend I have pictures of that of all of us together, And pictures of Myself and my niece at her first game, Those sort of pictures.

Fixed, welcome.

Fair enough, was just curious as to whether I had something else to qualify me as a ****.
Timmmmahhhh said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
True, that I don't understand, it was the "Such and such has uploaded 42 pictures" part I didn't understand, people upload photos as it's their method of choice to share them with friends & family.

Any picture taken where posing in a mirror makes you a ****.

(unless you're in a Superman onesie).

You ever see a woman posting up a picture of herself on a night out (One of those pictures where there posing in a bathroom by themselves looking in a mirror)...

They post the picture up (Obviously to get likes and comments), Then when they finally get a like or comment, Her reply is always 'Look at the head on me in that picture'.

I agree with what you're saying on that.

I'm not trying to be an arse here, I'm just wondering what type of photos are uploaded that make you a ****?

For example, the last few photos I have uploaded (I think) are:

- last night, me any my nephew (he's three) in Spiderman masks.
- my works night out on Friday, 20 odd pictures.
- New Years Day, me and my nephew at the Etihad (his first game), 6 or 7 pictures.

oh, and sometime last week I posted a photo of my new socks.

Does this qualify me as a ****?

(I am a **** and reading back through that it appears I am trying to be an arse, my apologies for that)
Have you seen the topless one of me I uploaded last week (second to last photo of me).

How hench do I look mate? Good eh?

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