Really Winds me up

The key is not to take it personally. I live on the Isle of Man now and some local in his 40s came up to me the other day and said "that's a nice new shirt" implying that I had only just become a city fan. Was no point wasting my breath explaining that I have had a season ticket since 1998 or pointing out the irony that he probably started supporting Liverpool back when they were winning titles.

People seem to forget that even though we aren't a huge global club we are a big british club with a rich history and an immense hardcore fan base.
I usually say:

Since Tony Book was boss, no wait, Big Mal, er, or was it John Bond, ummm it could even have been John Benson or Billy McNeill, pretty sure it wasn't Jimmy Frizzell though....

They've usually pissed off by then!
I always tell them that I'm only a fan since the takeover.
It sickens them but, curiously, it's exactly what they want to hear, too. I couldn't care less what they think of me, afterwards. Anyone who asks me that question is f**kwit.
Happens to me all the time 'who do you support?'
me: 'City'
Them: 'How long you supported them then?'
If I'm asked that question by someone who is obviously a rag my response is usually...

"Hmmm let me may have been when....yes that's it.....right about when......(then scream in their stupid fat face) Aguerrooooooooooooo!!!!"

As they walk away I compose myself and say just loud enough for them to hear "stupendous" and carry on with what I was doing.
blackley27 said:
I usually say:

Since Tony Book was boss, no wait, Big Mal, er, or was it John Bond, ummm it could even have been John Benson or Billy McNeill, pretty sure it wasn't Jimmy Frizzell though....

They've usually pissed off by then!

Or even throw in T.Book or may be Phil Neil, plenty of others to choose but being an old git my memory has eroded! lol Lap it all up Blue Boys & Girls the future is BLUE :)
99% of idiots who call us gloryhunters are plastic armchair followers of their chosen club , if you have been a supporter of the club since the maine road days , a thick skin is the pre requisite of being a blue . No doubt we now have gloryhunters among our ranks , and will attract many more , but when someone makes remarks like "where were you when you were shit" , it confirms our club is becoming successful beyond our dreams . Success smiles upon people who can laugh at their own failures , and we have had plenty of laughter
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I would love someone to accuse me of being a Glory Hunter. Love it.

i'd get medieval on their arse.
You'd think given my age (same as yours DD) they'd think before making the suggestion.

They always wish they hadn't very shortly afterwards ;-)

We've earned our stripes and with it the right to be a little smug, I reckon.

Wierdly, the nearest I've come to it was through my wife, who has little interest in football. She came back from a business meeting at a sports company and the guy she met had talked football (she works in the industry) and she'd said her husband supports City, to which he'd apparently said "Oh, has he just started going". She didn't realise it was an insult and said, "No, he's 42 and has gone since he was a boy" to which he changed the subject.

You're only 42? Blimey, I was banging reds out whilst you were still shitting green.

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