Red Cafe in meltdown

I was 2 weeks premature so I could start hating them earlier.

Every other sperm was a rag - that’s how long I have hated them.

Happy Friday Blues.
Thank goodness for leap years too as that’s another extra day to hate them.
As you were Blues.
Can agree with most of that.

There is absolutely no doubt that the arrogance and attitude of that drunken **** was responsible for the level of animosity which was created between both the clubs and fans.

I started watching City in 1954, and at that time many football supporters would watch both City and United. I did go to OT a couple of times although I always wanted them to lose.

That changed after Munich when their support widened, but I don't remember there being the same hostility or bitterness between fans.

Once the Govan Bully arrived on the scene, the arrogance and hatred quickly grew and continued to the levels which exist now.

The fuckwit hangers-on rapidly increased as they enjoyed success, and of course the old **** was worshipped despite being a horrible and arrogant twat who enjoyed belittling City and indeed other clubs who he viewed as inferior to the self-proclaimed TGTW.

I can today take much satisfaction from knowing that City's success must be causing him so much distress, envy and bitterness, with no clear prospect of the situation improving any time soon.
An angry, envious, bitter, Scottish, union convener from a ship yard.

He acted up the hard man whilst things were going well, encouraged by a fawning media, but shit himself when faced with a tougher opponent.

His belittling comments regarding Sheikh Mansour’s investment in City, masked a fear of what was coming, and he chickenshit quit at the first opportunity leading to the succession of ‘specialists in failure’ witnessed in the last eleven years.

His finest hour however was his arrogant and ruinous dispute with the Coolmore Mafia over Rock of Gibraltar which led to the Glazers leveraged take over and arguably the destruction of their evil empire.

I hope he lives a long life so he can experience the suffering, humiliation, and pain that he inflicted on us and others.

A nasty, bitter, ignorant bastard.

One day the book of revelations will be writte.
An angry, envious, bitter, Scottish, union convener from a ship yard.

He acted up the hard man whilst things were going well, encouraged by a fawning media, but shit himself when faced with a tougher opponent.

His belittling comments regarding Sheikh Mansour’s investment in City, masked a fear of what was coming, and he chickenshit quit at the first opportunity leading to the succession of ‘specialists in failure’ witnessed in the last eleven years.

His finest hour however was his arrogant and ruinous dispute with the Coolmore Mafia over Rock of Gibraltar which led to the Glazers leveraged take over and arguably the destruction of their evil empire.

I hope he lives a long life so he can experience the suffering, humiliation, and pain that he inflicted on us and others.

A nasty, bitter, ignorant bastard.

One day the book of revelations will be writte

If the GPC was starting out as a manager in today's game, I don't think he would last 5 minutes. Mourinho is the last of that style of manager, who could get by with a rudimentary style of play/tactics and intimidating opponents, bullying refs and manipulating the media. His decline is very telling about how football has evolved for the better, he's basically been left behind when the GPC was still winning major trophies at the same age. No wonder they love each other so much. They are both relics of the past just like their shite former club. Scum!
An angry, envious, bitter, Scottish, union convener from a ship yard.

He acted up the hard man whilst things were going well, encouraged by a fawning media, but shit himself when faced with a tougher opponent.

His belittling comments regarding Sheikh Mansour’s investment in City, masked a fear of what was coming, and he chickenshit quit at the first opportunity leading to the succession of ‘specialists in failure’ witnessed in the last eleven years.
Bobby Manc was the first one to give it back, and the pisscan didn’t like it:

That poster was the thing that put a spring in the step of every Blue.

We really started to believe.

It riled him.

Tevez could have gone anywhere, even stayed at the swamp, he chose City - the first major crack in the despotic fuckers by then crumbling empire because his ‘aura’ was seen to be on the wane. He knew deep down he was losing a game changer. His persuasive powers no longer working their foul ways.

He’d used his mind games on Keegan, the Spanish waiter & that fellow twat arsehole whinger.
He managed to pretty much head fuck each and everyone of them at some point or other. Along with the many ‘odd’ referees (ahem) mistakes ;) the rag filths bandwagon rolled on unabashed and largely unquestioned.

He could see the oncoming storm and realised his time was up. If only we hadn’t pretty much imploded 2012/2013 his so called legacy wouldn’t have had the swan song he craved.

Not in my lifetime are the words I will remember of the shitty panted, booze addled old tramp when he drops off the perch he allegedly stole from the dippers. (Oxymoron intended)
That put down was said with venom and pure spite & as I said he could see what was careering down the track from Manchester towards his vermin filled lair in Trafford.

Watch it, drink it in - because you old bastard - not in your lifetime? Yes - the rags will never be on top in this area again during it.

As you were Blues.
The mind games on Keegan was the biggest load of bollocks going anyhow............i dont know which reporter wrote the article but he was bang on about ...........did Ferguson start the mind games when Newcastle had such a healthy lead ????? Did he fook he kept quiet and only started coming out with that shit once Newcastle had clearly gone and that collapse was down to Newcastle and nobody else .......... the rot had already set in way before the pisscan opened his mouth like the bully that he is.

Still for what he did do lets not forget that his parting gift was to give the world the modern United a team that without VAR would be stuck in midtable week after week
There was one interview when he was asked who would be challenging for the title and he replied "Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea," and the Sky reporter interrupted him and said "And Manchester City?" The Pisscan snapped back at him "I didn't say that."

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