Ref Watch

When you jump your arms move up. When you come back down, the arms move back down. There is no need for his left arm to independently move back upwards again
Why does jumping make one arm randomly flail upwards when you are on the way back down?
his hand did hit the ball,but it shouldn't have been awarded a penalty, you are the only person i have seen or read that thinks its a penalty,i haven't spoken to any united fans ,but im sure they will have the same opinion as you, strange that
Casimiro should have at least got a yellow card but I don`t think anyone in their right mind could of argued if he got a red.
That was a straight red card offense, simple as...VAR did not intervene because they knew the outcome of a slow motion review would have led to Casemiro's expulsion.
As an aside on Casemiro, anyone who continues to suggest he was the top DM in the Prem this season should be smacked about the head. face, neck, and throat area for a good 15 minutes. There's simply no comparing him to Rodri!
The penalty was always going to be given. Would they have found a way not to give it if it was for us in the same game ? Possibly
The real cheating was the red card - it’s a red full stop and of that was any city player they would have walked 100 percent
No he didn't, he was jumping for a header and would have exactly the same movements if the ball hadnt hit his arm. He wasnt even looking at the ball so impossible for him to move his arm to the ball.

What do some people watch….

This is an example of what you describe. A player looking at the ball and moving his arm deliberately towards it and playing it. Funnily enough, no penalty!!

Attwell was on Var for the laughable non pen against Utd at West Ham.
We can see patterns of major incorrect decisions by the same officials in favour of certain teams, other fans can see the same and lots on Twitter yesterday with Coote yet no one in the media can see the obvious, or they can but are implicate in it by turning a blind eye to it.
The club does not do itself any favours, these decisions should have been pointed out by Pep in his interviews and the club should be demanding an explanation and audio
The penalty was always going to be given. Would they have found a way not to give it if it was for us in the same game ? Possibly
The real cheating was the red card - it’s a red full stop and of that was any city player they would have walked 100 percent

And was definitely a clear and obvious error because he gave united the free kick!
The penalty was always going to be given. Would they have found a way not to give it if it was for us in the same game ? Possibly
The real cheating was the red card - it’s a red full stop and of that was any city player they would have walked 100 percent
Guarantee had that penalty incident happened at the other end of the field the subjective conditions of 'too close', 'hands in a natural position', 'no intent' would have all come into play and that penalty wouldn't have been awarded.
his hand did hit the ball,but it shouldn't have been awarded a penalty, you are the only person i have seen or read that thinks its a penalty,i haven't spoken to any united fans ,but im sure they will have the same opinion as you, strange that
At no point did I say I think it should be a penalty. What I'm saying is that Jack's actions, and the rules, allow it to be given. Of course it's not a penalty, it's the most inconsequential contact you can have whilst still being contact.

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