
Gutted you've discredited the article and my point based on me making a spelling mistake when typing quickly. If it makes you feel better you can search my post history and find plenty of 'you're' spellings in their proper place.

It wasn't in direct response to officiating of City matches, it was in response to your corruption comment.
Corruption occurs in football. Absolutely.

But to blame tonight's ref of corruption is unwarranted absent a huge amount of substantiating evidence.

Again - if he was totally corrupt - and so was the management chain up the line - we would never have won tonight's match.

Absent huge proof to the contrary - the much more likely assumption that the ref had a bad game prevails.
i can't help but think that we somehow get punished for the 'blood and thunder' of the premier league, which these refs no doubt watch, in comparison with the less aggressive leagues. And particularly with Barca - it's almost like the refs think because they are lauded as the best team in the world, there's no way they'd commit cynical fouls.

As other posters have mentioned, i don't think last night's guy was corrupt, just absolutely awful. Maybe a bit harsh, but how can a guy who refs the hungarian league every week be used to dealing with the pace, skill and complexity that last night was played at.
i can't help but think that we somehow get punished for the 'blood and thunder' of the premier league, which these refs no doubt watch, in comparison with the less aggressive leagues. And particularly with Barca - it's almost like the refs think because they are lauded as the best team in the world, there's no way they'd commit cynical fouls.

As other posters have mentioned, i don't think last night's guy was corrupt, just absolutely awful. Maybe a bit harsh, but how can a guy who refs the hungarian league every week be used to dealing with the pace, skill and complexity that last night was played at.

I think that much more aggressive tackling is permitted in the BPL. And we have to adapt to the UCL as a consequence.
The ref made some curious decisions - carded Sterling when I thought it was likely a penalty and at best a non-call; didn't book one of Barca's defenders (I forget whom) early on when he took a tactical foul; Busquets seemed to get away with murder before finally drawing a foul.

But I don't think he was a cheat or was pro-Barca.

He could have easily given hand ball against Aguero (assuming that he even saw the play) and could have given a penalty for the challenge against Messi in our box (though this was no way a penalty).

My take - bad night for the ref; but we won in the end on our own merit, overcoming his questionable calls.
But he wouldn't dare book Messi for diving would he?
But he wouldn't dare book Messi for diving would he?
The card against Sterling came out of left field, I'll grant you that.

But do you think that the ref was corrupt? Actively refereeing against us? Or that he simply had a bad game?
Dreadful performance from him. I don't think he was corrupt but he was biased in a way, probably subconsciously. The resonance of the game and the teams involved may have made it difficult for him to focus clearly and get decisions right.

Had Messi gone down needlessly in the box there's almost no chance he'd have been booked for diving.
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So disappointed in you.

I was looking forward to getting corrupt UEFA officials banned.

Oh well.

Perhaps you could start your " UEFA is totally innocent campaign " this afternoon, seeing as you have such confidence in them ?

Anyway I. going to get on with something useful now, thanks for your insight.

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