
Are you suggesting these games are being orchestrated to make sure this little side story happens ? ;-)
I wouldn't dare suggest the amount of hype sky will be preparing for a Manchester Derby with something potentially riding on it to keep the top of the table look exciting.

The papers gunning for Costa has fuck all to do with playing them rag twats either.....
Costa got away with fucking murder last night,he should have been sent off for his filth on Kompany,but to not even receive a caution for his antics is staggering.

That horrendous straight red tackle aside, it would appear that Rugby tackles have now become part and parcel of the game.

I await the first time one of ours does it and the ensuing card that follows it as well as the outcry from the media.

its an absolute joke what is happening this season.

Pep was doing his nut last night as the cheating happened time and time again.
That horrendous straight red tackle aside, it would appear that Rugby tackles have now become part and parcel of the game.

I await the first time one of ours does it and the ensuing card that follows it as well as the outcry from the media.

its an absolute joke what is happening this season.

Pep was doing his nut last night as the cheating happened time and time again.
Pep must know the club are doing something behind the scenes or he's incredibly patient. I keep expect him to twat one. I would have by now.
Most incidents have been discussed with the same conclusion: Dubble standards.
Kante fouls Silva early 2nd half and is been spoken to by the ref. Clichy makes about the same foul a bit later and gets a yellow card.
Pep must be wondering week in week out how his teams Barcelona and Bayern got desicions their way most of the time and now he and his team are on the receiving end?
makes you wonder what our club are actually doing, and our owner, when such blatant fixing against us is happening and we seem to make no impact in changing it.

Seem to just be accepting our fate, of Europa League and being the laughing stock of English football as we're continually screwed over and just take it, again and again and again.

makes you wonder how Abu Dhabi and the UAE ever manage to get anything done if they can't solve this.
After last night's performance Mike Dean needs to book an emergency appointment at his local spec savers. How he could fail to give Costa a yellow card at least, but at knee high that should have been a straight red, but to give just the free kick is totally beyond me. I just hope that the F.A. will be asking Mike Dean to review that tackle again, but I won't be holding my breath. I have know doubt what so ever if that had been Vinny on Costa that would have been a red card all day long.
Seem to just be accepting our fate, of Europa League and being the laughing stock of English football

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Dean gave softer penalty for sterling against stoke at the beginning of the season kompany was a stone wall penalty when stones missed that glorious chance to get the draw
Ah but Dean was punished after the Stoke game by PiGMOL and sent to ref in the lower divisions for being stupid enough to stick to the new interpretations and give us a penalty.
As you can see he learnt his lesson well and won't be doing that again.
This will not be bettered.

In last night's Newcastle match Newcastle were awarded a penalty.
A Newcastle player encroached as the penalty taker scored.
The ref disallowed the goal and gave the opposition an indirect free kick.

The law is a retake!!

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