
The game here isn't bent by instruction or obvious coercion imo, it's bent by indoctrination & subconcious intimidation.

The Sky, BT etc reaction to City recently, compared to Liverpool & Utd for example. The witch hunt to get us red carded compared to the DELIBERATE & it is DELIBERATE, watering down & boderline ignoring of Ibrahimovic' actions.

In recent years we have been branded cheats, accused of ruining football & right now we are a team with a manager & players who are out of control. Our rivals on the other hand are heroes of not just the modern game, but the whole history of football, who bring through their own players & do everything in the right way, & on whom the Premier League are relying to promote their product.

Refs are only human. They get this drummed into them by the football industry, every day of their lives, the same as the public.

Probably would've said it differently but I agree. And it's not just the red cards (most of ours were justified ), but the inconsistency with other teams and the number of yellow cards we get and are put up to us with such ease... annoying to say the least.
Getting his orders from Gill more like that Chelsea and burnley game stunk the place out.

Those two games proved to me that we're at the sharp end of the Premier League's campaign to restore the equilibrium that we disturbed when we "broke" the Sky 4. It's a pretty passive bunch where I stand in 116, but I've never known such discontent during a match and such vitriol thrown at the referee's. It was like we all suddenly realised that this ain't ineptitude any more, it's something far darker. I was so enraged when Mason was stood over Merlin right in front of us, literally sneering at him and telling him to get up, I nearly went on the pitch to confront/twat/shoot (delete as appropriate) the cnut. The look on his face said it all to me. He was lapping up the dogs abuse he was getting, there was no indication on his face that he thought he might've fucked that decision was job done as far as he was concerned, with compliments of the season ringing through his ear-piece..

The refereeing has simply sucked all the joy out of our home games, under the instructions of the establishment. They have obviously targeted our home games thinking the away games will look after themselves in this league. Fuck up Citys home games and job done. They are towing the line and the Gill/PGMOL instructions are being followed to the letter.

Dirty bastards the lot of 'em, which will make winning the league so much sweeter this year.

Over to you Pep..
Probably would've said it differently but I agree. And it's not just the red cards (most of ours were justified ), but the inconsistency with other teams and the number of yellow cards we get and are put up to us with such ease... annoying to say the least.

It's mostly down to 'suggestion' rather than full on corruption (although full on corruption is the reason for ffp etc).

It's easier to send off one of our players than a Utd player, for example, either during or after a game. The comeback for sending off Ibrahimovic & Utd losing, is heavy even if you get it right & almost life changing if you get it wrong.

Failling to send off an opposing player who does it to Utd, is hell if you miss it, but not so bad if you send him off & Utd win & it transpires he did fuck all wrong. It's just 'meh' 'the ref has a tough job' & on to the next game.

The incident with Luiz at City, was shown on tv, most thought it was a red, but the story since, is City's red cards & Chelsea 'humilliating' us.

If that's a rags game, the whole thing would be historically down to that incident. The result & the Utd reaction, would be the ref's fault. Forever.

They know it. It's in the back of their minds for the games involving the Sky teams. With City, they can do what the fuck they want & if they get it wrong, we probably 'deserve it' anyhow.
Strange that decisions against City, always seem to follow the letter of the law, so that every red card appears to be justified:

"Well once he raised his hands"
"He lost control of his body"

In contrast, there's a "spirit of the law" that seems to excuse other teams
"He's not that kind of player"..
"It was a bit early in the game".
"Where's he supposed to put his arms?"
The game here isn't bent by instruction or obvious coercion imo, it's bent by indoctrination & subconcious intimidation.

The Sky, BT etc reaction to City recently, compared to Liverpool & Utd for example. The witch hunt to get us red carded compared to the DELIBERATE & it is DELIBERATE, watering down & boderline ignoring of Ibrahimovic' actions.

In recent years we have been branded cheats, accused of ruining football & right now we are a team with a manager & players who are out of control. Our rivals on the other hand are heroes of not just the modern game, but the whole history of football, who bring through their own players & do everything in the right way, & on whom the Premier League are relying to promote their product.

Refs are only human. They get this drummed into them by the football industry, every day of their lives, the same as the public.

Humans yeah, but cheating bastard humans! Although can we really say that Taylor and Mason are human. I've already put them in my database of sub-humans.
Humans yeah, but cheating bastard humans! Although can we really say that Taylor and Mason are human. I've already put them in my database of sub-humans.

Taylor should not be reffing games involving City or Utd. He is put in the position of being accused of favouring either, so even if he'd been a City fan, he could be wary of giving us decisions in case people say he's biased in our favour. The fact he's a rag, makes it easy for him to just err on the side of the oppo every time. It's safe for him to do that.

I'm sure that some other refs actually try to be 'neutral' in City games v smaller teams so as not to favour our 'big money' team & end up favouring the oppo in trying to do it. Burnley was probably a case of that rather than any deliberate stitch up.

But that will rarely ever happen in a Utd or Liverpool, or probably big London team game. We are fair game for it as nobody will care if Burnley get every 50/50 decision v City. Only City fans.
The game here isn't bent by instruction or obvious coercion imo, it's bent by indoctrination & subconcious intimidation.

The Sky, BT etc reaction to City recently, compared to Liverpool & Utd for example. The witch hunt to get us red carded compared to the DELIBERATE & it is DELIBERATE, watering down & boderline ignoring of Ibrahimovic' actions.

In recent years we have been branded cheats, accused of ruining football & right now we are a team with a manager & players who are out of control. Our rivals on the other hand are heroes of not just the modern game, but the whole history of football, who bring through their own players & do everything in the right way, & on whom the Premier League are relying to promote their product.

Refs are only human. They get this drummed into them by the football industry, every day of their lives, the same as the public.

Agree with every word. Very well put.
The game here isn't bent by instruction or obvious coercion imo, it's bent by indoctrination & subconcious intimidation.

The Sky, BT etc reaction to City recently, compared to Liverpool & Utd for example. The witch hunt to get us red carded compared to the DELIBERATE & it is DELIBERATE, watering down & boderline ignoring of Ibrahimovic' actions.

In recent years we have been branded cheats, accused of ruining football & right now we are a team with a manager & players who are out of control. Our rivals on the other hand are heroes of not just the modern game, but the whole history of football, who bring through their own players & do everything in the right way, & on whom the Premier League are relying to promote their product.

Refs are only human. They get this drummed into them by the football industry, every day of their lives, the same as the public.

yep bang on the money
It's mostly down to 'suggestion' rather than full on corruption (although full on corruption is the reason for ffp etc).

It's easier to send off one of our players than a Utd player, for example, either during or after a game. The comeback for sending off Ibrahimovic & Utd losing, is heavy even if you get it right & almost life changing if you get it wrong.

Failling to send off an opposing player who does it to Utd, is hell if you miss it, but not so bad if you send him off & Utd win & it transpires he did fuck all wrong. It's just 'meh' 'the ref has a tough job' & on to the next game.

The incident with Luiz at City, was shown on tv, most thought it was a red, but the story since, is City's red cards & Chelsea 'humilliating' us.

If that's a rags game, the whole thing would be historically down to that incident. The result & the Utd reaction, would be the ref's fault. Forever.

They know it. It's in the back of their minds for the games involving the Sky teams. With City, they can do what the fuck they want & if they get it wrong, we probably 'deserve it' anyhow.
Yep, The Bravo/Granny Shagger incident would fit nicely into your post.
A lot of the Italian corruption scandal was Juventus making sure the leagues best players were suspended in games against them and rivals players were suspended in difficult games, while there players were very rarely missing games. Makes the sending off pattern in 2012 and against this year look even more suspicious.

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