European refs required I'm afraid. That's why they can't cut it in Europe, only 2 Champions League wins in all them attempts ?? That's because European refs are not biased towards the twats.
You can 100% guarentee that out of the 4 officials that at least one will be a Rag and even a liner can have an effect ( both ways ).
Everyone should demand European referees and assistants.
The current rules are :
If a utd players goes down in the box 100% definate penalty and if you can try and send the man off.
Try not to spunk up when giving the decision.
Book an opposition player against utd as early as possible and book as many as you can to increase the chance of a red card at some stage.
Ignore bad tackles by any Utd player and if it is too obvious give the freekick but just give the Utd player a lecture.
Allow Utd players to crowd around you, push and shove you and even call you a fucking ****, try and calm them down by using their nickname, like Giggsy or Scholsey ( they like that )
Under no circumstances give the opposition team a penalty or even a dangerous freekick.
Try not to celebrate with the utd players when they score.
Always ensure that your utd shirt is tucked in tightly under your refs shirt and ensure that the red material is never exposed.
If utd are winning add one minute injury time.
If utd are losing add as many as they need to win or draw.