Reform UK Party Limited Company

I have found that when people are called racist, it is because they are actually racists and racists tend not to think of themselves as racists because they have a friend who is a different colour to themselves.

It is called "othering" and Reform are good at that.
What reform are exceptionally good at though is making poor people believe that their problems are almost exclusively down to foreigners. Brexit was going to deliver untold benefits to the poor because ‘the EU’. What’s sad is the same charlatans are now using a general ‘if it wasn’t for the foreigners’ you’d have great wages, open access to healthcare and cheap housing and the same people are falling for it.
I’m starting to see how well they did in so many places. I suspect largely pissed off Tory voters too.

It's immigration. It's always immigration. Brexit was purely immigration.

For 30 years, a large amount of people in this country have been telling political parties that they want less immigration and for 30 years they've been called racists, ignored and eeventually been made promises that were broken.

When you don't listen to the electorate then they will punish you. Brexit was a punishment. Reform is a punishment. And until we have a strict immigration system, the electorate will keep on punishing the two major parties. It won't go away. They need to be listened to and only Reform is listening to them which is why they abandoned the Tories and a shockingly large number of Labour voters
Immigration is good, and we need it.

Uncontrolled mass immigration of free loaders isn’t. It’s very simple.

An Austrlian styled points system just seems like common sense.

Yes some are refugees, but I’m not having even a quarter of them are. Why are most of them men? Where are women and children?

I was in the hospital with my wife last year, honestly we were the only English speakers in a packed room. Waited hours for a simple but important appointment as every person before us needed an interpreter.
By 8.30am I heard Tice banging on about the "unfair voting system" in the UK ( FPTP) as I predicted. The odd thing is ( not ) he, Farage and the rest have never been bothered about a move to PR before and with 4 MP's why on earth would they think Labour with over 100 times that number of MP's could be persuaded to change a system that delivered them a landslide - deluded.
Becomes an interesting conundrum for reform does this and I’m looking forward to the squirming and double standards already.
We’ve had a referendum on PR and it was massively voted against.
Presumably Tice/Farage will demand another referendum. There is, of course, only one problem with that approach and that’s the bit I’m looking forward to most….
Basically if you think mass immigration of thousands of people arriving on boats with no checks, then housing them for millions of pounds a day is bad, you are racist.
I want controlled immigration and strong border controls, i do not want people having to cross the channel in small boats in order to seek asylum, i do not want potential asylum seekers being housed in hotels costing millions of pounds.

I am not a racist, I want a system that works and i want there to be legal routes for people to enter this country so we do not have to spend millions on hotels.

The difference is I want a system that works for everyone, racists want a system that does not work for anyone.
What reform are exceptionally good at though is making poor people believe that their problems are almost exclusively down to foreigners. Brexit was going to deliver untold benefits to the poor because ‘the EU’. What’s sad is the same charlatans are now using a general ‘if it wasn’t for the foreigners’ you’d have great wages, open access to healthcare and cheap housing and the same people are falling for it.
Fools and their votes, easily parted.

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