Reform UK Party Limited Company

I exercise I eat healthy I don't smoke I work hard. Are humans designed to be overweight no there not. All you hear from labour is how the nhs has been destroyed. Well if the puplic looked after themselves better there wouldn't be a need for all the nhs appointments. The nhs is a brilliant service and we are very lucky to have it but it's been destroyed by people who don't look after themselves.
Unfortunately you are showing a complete and utter lack of understanding of the basics of how medicine and as such the NHS works. NHS inflation runs at a much higher rate than natural inflation. What does this mean to the layman? As every year goes by new “inventions” (look at the Covid jabs as a recent example) come up. But most of these take years of research and that costs money. The pharmaceutical company then typically gets a patent where only they can sell it for 20 years. So all these new drugs cost lots of money as they get their costs back and make a profit. NHS costs therefore go up exponentially because each of these new drugs can ave and elongate life
And as for your “I eat healthy” crap, what does that mean? Does that make you immune from heart attacks, or being run over by a bus or getting a bad dose of Covid etc etc. ??
And then what though?
We know that the roots of poverty, poor life chances, a poor NHS, collapsed care sector, poor access to housing and a diabolical education system will not be solved and will, in fact, be much worse, with no immigration. They blamed the EU for years and its currently migrants in general.
Let’s assume immigration was stopped tomorrow, we all know none of those issues would be addressed so who would be next on the ‘blame list’? Mostly the poorest in society currently pinning their hopes on Reform, I’d imagine.

Well now we get into subjectivity. Yes, if immigration stopped tomorrow those issues wouldn't disappear over night. But they also wouldn't continue to get worse, in their opinions.

One thing that I do agree with the Reform lot on, is the structure of the economics of immigration. Immigration is almost always a net economic benefit for a nation but there's a lot of caveats to that. The biggest caveat being this - immigration is a stealth tax on the working classes that benefit the generally middle classes. It keeps unskilled labour costs depressed through simple supply and demand as well as increasing competition for council housing, GPs appointments and all the rest you mention. That's sort of inarguable those last few things, that's just a function of having more people here no matter where they come from.

These factors are generally not an issue though to the middle to high income earners, especially business owners. They get cheap labour to keep costs down. To low incomes though, having more people in competition, especially if those people are classed as in desperate situations for asylum meaning they'll move to the front of any queue, it has devastating effects.And the fact that many have travelled through numerous safe countries only to get here and then jump the queue sticks in their craw, rightfully imo. I'm in Labour heartland and Reform came 2nd here. Any visit to a local pub in the area will tell you exactly what people are concerned about.

Immigration is a net economic benefit but it's paid for by the lowest earners, and in the last few decades without their consent.

The rise of the so called Metropolitan left winger has really hurt the lefts view on this issue. Before New Labour, they were often anti-immigration. Trade unionists understood that introducing more immigrants to the workforce would do nothing but help businesses have more power and not have the culture education of the importance of trade unionists and collectivism.

The "anti immigration is racist" argument was dreamt up by Mandelson and his ilk as one tactic of browbeating socialists in line. "Oh, the NF don't like immigration either, youre not secretly a RACIST are you??" Etc. It worked incredibly to the point now that a ton of people seem to believe that any political opinion that doesn't advocate open borders is therefore secret and hidden racism.

You see if you don't want more immigration and you're pissed off about it then you vote for Reform. And if you vote Reform then you're secretly a racist. And if you're a racist then you're secretly a fascist. And if you're a fascist then you're secretly a Nazi. And it's ok to denigrate, bully, harass, assault and kill Nazis because they're bad.

Watching this shit happen in real time is frustrating.
I exercise I eat healthy I don't smoke I work hard. Are humans designed to be overweight no there not. All you hear from labour is how the nhs has been destroyed. Well if the puplic looked after themselves better there wouldn't be a need for all the nhs appointments. The nhs is a brilliant service and we are very lucky to have it but it's been destroyed by people who don't look after themselves.
Most people are aware of their failing but they shouldn't be punished for it. I'm overweight but then I work 8hrs a day sat at a computer so arguably it's partially not my fault. It's hard to get 10,000 steps in when you finish at 6pm, need to cook food and then have an hour or two spare time, it's impossible when we're having a summer like we have!

Should we ban office jobs? Of course not and that'd be mad but nowadays that's a huge contributor to obesity. COVID made it worse because people now work from home where they don't go on walks to get out of the office and they eat worse etc.

Education is the only way to fix these things but the NHS will always have to treat people regardless. On legislation your 'choices' shouldn't affect others which is why smoking has effectively been banned.
The rise of Reform is concerning, but hopefully it serves one purpose and that is to make the Tory party sensible again, but it depends which nutjob takes over as leader. Johnson bless his cuddly little cotton socks has well and truly fucked them over.

The question is where do Reform go from here, my concern is they have a mandate to go further right like Marie Le Pen.
They have a platform but no actual power. They will also have to deliver as constituency MPs - making Clacton not a shit hole will be no easy task.
They are at 2015 UKIP levels in terms of vote share. The fapping over their ‘13 seats’ on BBC after two results declared was pathetic. They have the same seat numbers as the Greens.

They have got over 4 million votes the 3rd highest , I think you are missing the point.

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