Reform UK Party Limited Company

Perhaps. I think it'll be really interesting to see what happens when they actually start voting on things. For example, if Labour say they're going to remove interest on student loans, will the Reform MPs actually vote for the thing they put in their manifesto?
hope they've remembered the beer mat they wrote them all on, mind you the ink might be smudged with all that ipa they spilt
For Reform read Front National in France.
They’ll (Reform) be a major player in 10-15 years.
Don’t think so.

UKIP 2015: 3.8m votes - 12.6%

Reform 2024: 4m votes - 14.3%

And that’s with a complete Tory collapse.

Doesn’t look much like progress and they’re really not a ‘new’ party.

UKIP 2015 - second in 120 constituencies

Reform 2024 - second in 98 constituencies

Actually, a clear step backwards in FPTP terms
I just don't get it. How come populism is so popular?
It’s easy to get across. We are great.We are patriots and this is our country. They are making us shit. You would be great if they weren’t here. You would be richer. They are taking over. Your kids would be better at school without so many children who don’t share our values. We need to get rid of them. Then we need to get rid of anyone who doesn’t want us to get rid of them. Don’t believe the press. We need to control the press. We need to get rid of elements that question the truth. They are traitors. We need to return our culture. We need to swear allegiance to the leader. Pick up your brown shirt and tell us where all the gay people you know live.

Where do we sign, shout so many,
Don’t think so.

UKIP 2015: 3.8m votes - 12.6%

Reform 2024: 4m votes - 14.3%

And that’s with a complete Tory collapse.

Doesn’t look much like progress and they’re really not a ‘new’ party.

UKIP 2015 - second in 120 constituencies

Reform 2024 - second in 98 constituencies

Actually, a clear step backwards in FPTP terms
That’s a good analysis. That 2015 UKIP 2nd place is very interesting- a precursor to what happened the following year maybe?

I do think though that the big change in next 5-10 years will be the possible split in the Tory party. And Reform (or whatever moniker they change to) will benefit hugely from that.

In France the PS went from President to virtually nothing in the space of one presidential term. There’s a distinct possibility the Tories could do the same. And Reform do an FN /RN surge. I think it will happen (I also thought the Tories would win this GE so that shows how accurate I can be!)

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