Reform UK Party Limited Company

That’s a good analysis. That 2015 UKIP 2nd place is very interesting- a precursor to what happened the following year maybe?

I do think though that the big change in next 5-10 years will be the possible split in the Tory party. And Reform (or whatever moniker they change to) will benefit hugely from that.

In France the PS went from President to virtually nothing in the space of one presidential term. There’s a distinct possibility the Tories could do the same. And Reform do an FN /RN surge. I think it will happen (I also thought the Tories would win this GE so that shows how accurate I can be!)
It's worth remembering that ukip collapsed in a never ending stream of racism, scandal and infighting.

Farage learnt his lesson and there is zero power beyond him and Tice. But they are set up to be a one man show, even so the scandal, racism and infighting will come.
It's worth remembering that ukip collapsed in a never ending stream of racism, scandal and infighting.

Farage learnt his lesson and there is zero power beyond him and Tice. But they are set up to be a one man show, even so the scandal, racism and infighting will come.

At the moment it does look like a millionaires' project set up to serve/aggrandise said millionaires.

Don’t think so.

UKIP 2015: 3.8m votes - 12.6%

Reform 2024: 4m votes - 14.3%

And that’s with a complete Tory collapse.

Doesn’t look much like progress and they’re really not a ‘new’ party.

UKIP 2015 - second in 120 constituencies

Reform 2024 - second in 98 constituencies

Actually, a clear step backwards in FPTP terms
It’s completely different circumstances though. I’d argue the ukip vote and what came after it led to brexit as well, so I wouldn’t rule the nut jobs out
Unfortunately you are showing a complete and utter lack of understanding of the basics of how medicine and as such the NHS works. NHS inflation runs at a much higher rate than natural inflation. What does this mean to the layman? As every year goes by new “inventions” (look at the Covid jabs as a recent example) come up. But most of these take years of research and that costs money. The pharmaceutical company then typically gets a patent where only they can sell it for 20 years. So all these new drugs cost lots of money as they get their costs back and make a profit. NHS costs therefore go up exponentially because each of these new drugs can ave and elongate life
And as for your “I eat healthy” crap, what does that mean? Does that make you immune from heart attacks, or being run over by a bus or getting a bad dose of Covid etc etc. ??
I lost you after the first sentence so just read the bottom. I am sure being obese you have more of a chance of having a heart attack so yeh i have a better chance of not having one as I keep fit than someone obese.

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