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I used to work reasonably closely with him so probably know him better than most people. I can only speak to how he was then (not in politics) and he was a decent bloke who I wouldn’t have called a racist by any metric. Yeah he had a picture of himself on the wall in Union Jack swimming trunks so a bit of a flag waver but so what?

That said when he questioned Sunak’s Britishness when he left the D-Day celebrations early he crossed the line for me into racist territory.
He was a racist little frog while at school. Did you milk monitor in nursery with him? The bloke is a ****. Once that’s established nowt else needs considering.
I used to work reasonably closely with him so probably know him better than most people. I can only speak to how he was then (not in politics) and he was a decent bloke who I wouldn’t have called a racist by any metric. Yeah he had a picture of himself on the wall in Union Jack swimming trunks so a bit of a flag waver but so what?

That said when he questioned Sunak’s Britishness when he left the D-Day celebrations early he crossed the line for me into racist territory.

He's always been a racist. You just probably overlooked the signs.

I used to work with a lady from Kent who it became clear had a prejudice against the black African social workers. "Thick as fuck" was a comment made about two of the male workers, they weren't thick, they just had an accent and spoke a different flavour of English. She also used words like half-caste and coloured, even after I'd warned her not to use those words (mostly for her own sake). Didn't really have a bad bone in her body, generous to a fault and empathetic and caring of everyone.

I never doubted that she was racially prejudiced. But then she wasn't as cunning or careful with her words as Farage. Unlike her, he's a malevolent narcissist.

For £75 he'll record racist abuse for racists to send to their victims.

He's always been a racist. You just probably overlooked the signs.

I used to work with a lady from Kent who it became clear had a prejudice against the black African social workers. "Thick as fuck" was a comment made about two of the male workers, they weren't thick, they just had an accent and spoke a different flavour of English. She also used words like half-caste and coloured, even after I'd warned her not to use those words (mostly for her own sake). Didn't really have a bad bone in her body, generous to a fault and empathetic and caring of everyone.

I never doubted that she was racially prejudiced. But then she wasn't as cunning or careful with her words as Farage. Unlike her, he's a malevolent narcissist.

For £75 he'll record racist abuse for racists to send to their victims.

Bloody hell and I thought I was autistic! You might be right like, but christ, give the guy a break
He's always been a racist. You just probably overlooked the signs.

I used to work with a lady from Kent who it became clear had a prejudice against the black African social workers. "Thick as fuck" was a comment made about two of the male workers, they weren't thick, they just had an accent and spoke a different flavour of English. She also used words like half-caste and coloured, even after I'd warned her not to use those words (mostly for her own sake). Didn't really have a bad bone in her body, generous to a fault and empathetic and caring of everyone.

I never doubted that she was racially prejudiced. But then she wasn't as cunning or careful with her words as Farage. Unlike her, he's a malevolent narcissist.

For £75 he'll record racist abuse for racists to send to their victims.

You might well be right. I certainly wouldn’t overlook anything if I felt he had said something racist back then when in my company. But as I say you might well be right when you compare it to your own experiences mate.
I always vote tory but even i cant vote for these charlatans.The alternatives are a joke Labour are tory light,Farage how any one can take him seriously is beyond me banging on about broken britain he is responsinble partly.The Greens and libdems are both batshit crazy.
The political system in our country is a joke.None of the parties have a clear plan how to sort out the NHS,Immigration,Social care ,Lack of housing etc.Id rather they came out and said how they plan to address the issues and how much its going to cost.At least then we can vote for whether or not we are happy to pay for it.
Starmer,,Sunak and Farage what a choice.

Vote for the tory light then surely?
Bloody hell and I thought I was autistic! You might be right like, but christ, give the guy a break

Bizarre response. Why would you give someone the benefit of the doubt, when they have repeatedly proved that you shouldn't?

He's got a long history of dog whistle comments. Romanian men living next door to you, barber shops. Posing in front of a misleading poster that mirrored nazi propaganda from the Holocaust.

And then you follow it up with a misplaced ableist comment.
Like I say I used to work closely with him and speak as I found him during that time. I didn’t know him when he was at school.
Blokes a fucking racist ****. I don’t think that is disputed at all. Those that have padded his nest throughout his sad life must rightly be feeling ashamed and need either distance or to same side him as best they can.
You might well be right. I certainly wouldn’t overlook anything if I felt he had said something racist back then when in my company. But as I say you might well be right when you compare it to your own experiences mate.
He has charisma and a low rounded voice that helps hypnotise people somewhat.

He’s very good at knowing where the line is and saying stuff that makes people think beyond that line and they are the ones that portray the overt racism. He merely helps facilitate that in his role as a “politician”.

When you read stuff about him singing certain songs growing up and his association with certain groups, it’s hard not to think that he has racist tendencies.

He’s able to turn these tendencies up and down, depending on his agenda.

It also helps that he has no shame.

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