Reform UK Party Limited Company


As long as I breathe I shall fight for the future. In our eyes, individual terror is inadmissible precisely because it belittles the role of the masses in their own consciousness... and turns their eyes and hopes toward a great avenger and liberator who someday will come and accomplish his mission.

Leon Trotsky
How can anyone vote for Starmer when he stated Israel have the right to turn the water taps off for the Palistinians. Its fuckin incredible how anyone can vote for either of these Two big Party's.
Having read Asa Winstanley's book weaponising anti semitism i am shocked at the influence that that the Isreal lobby has on our politics. For balance i read Peter Oborne's book The fate of Abraham.

What is clear to me is that outside forces influence our politics and that disturbs me. Labour has an organisation called Labour friends of Isreal , it also has Labour friends of Palestine.

I would rather the Labour party have Labour friends of the working class,
I hate that ****, he blocked me on twitter a long ago.
I did notice you sparring with thelastblairite on Twitter the other day .... another insufferable ****. Don't know how you put yourself through it.
How can anyone vote Labour when cunts like him are in the party.
I suppose because most people don't know and don't really care, they are just looking towards the only viable alternative in a 2 party system. That said the very same people can't appear to get their head around why things like Brexit, Trump and, bringing it back to the thread, these cunts gain traction.
For me statements like that supercede everything else he says which is positive. It's just horrendous. I get your point though Millions of folk won't even bat an eyelid on those words he said
I get your horror, I really do and wish for a peaceful solution asap over there.

Whatever a politician says about the powder keg situation over there immediately alienates half of the electorate though.

I just don’t think a UK general election should be decided on one topic, whether that be Israel or immigration.

No politician is going to have 100% of your views either. It’s always a compromise.
I did notice you sparring with thelastblairite on Twitter the other day .... another insufferable ****. Don't know how you put yourself through it.

I suppose because most people don't know and don't really care, they are just looking towards the only viable alternative in a 2 party system. That said the very same people can't appear to get their head around why things like Brexit, Trump and, bringing it back to the thread, these cunts gain traction.
The Labour supporters on here all know who he is and also what Starmer said, you can only conclude they just dont care.
The Labour supporters on here all know who he is and also what Starmer said, you can only conclude they just dont care.
It's about having a more pragmatic view of the process. Rascal is never going to get the politics he wants as it's just not popular. We have 3 or 4 out of every 10 UK voters intending to vote tory or reform. Starmer has taken the steps necessary to maximise the appeal of labour in order to win. Labour need 40% plus. If that means sitting on the fence on a number of issues then most labour voters are OK with that. Corbyn plaid the strong principles approach and lost big time. My principal approach is I want a labour party which can win. I'm in my 40s and Blair is the only labour leader to have beaten an incumbent tory government in my life time. Winning is the starting point.

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