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There's posters actually trying to fuckin convince themselves that Starmer never gave the green light for The Israelis to turn the taps off for the desperate Palestinians in that interview. Trying to somehow say "Yeh but he added International Law at the end of his sentence"

He didn't have the bollocks to just say "No they must let water in"

He didn’t have the bollocks to say that. This much is apparent. That’s not what I’m saying though?

I’m arguing against people in this thread saying he was advocating war crimes. He quite clearly is not doing that. Given he says they should not commit war crimes in the interview, this is not a matter I’m going to sit and debate.

He is trying to avoid answering an awkward question in an awkward interview and he’s doing a bad job because he is shit at it. His answer is muddled and unclear. There’s a world of difference between that and being a paid up baby killer.

Criticise him for lacking conviction for all I care. Go wild. That’s his biggest problem.

Anyway this is the wrong thread for this so think I’ll leave it there.

Farage is a ****.
The common factor (besides them being twats) is they are all polarising figures. Like faridge they thrive off polarising debate into two baying mobs that drown out any actual debate or discussion. This is the climate where extremism thrives and it worries me that it has over the last decade or so become the default in our politics
This is very true. I can't see things ending well
The Brexshit catch all was always going to be “it’s shit because it wasnt done right”.

A bit like being told your life will be much better if you cut your arm off. Then it’s cut off and surprisingly enough it isn’t better but then you’re told it’s because you didn’t do it right.
Or cutting one leg off means a 50% reduction in effort required to run, making you much more efficient.
This thread is insane so apropos of fuck all in particular I will chuck this into the mix

View attachment 123060
Same as Mujahedeen in Afghanistan in the 70s and 80s. Now the bad guys are fighting our enemy they are the good guys.
I think this scary nazi element is a feature of most former soviet blok / eastern European nations tbh - not unique to Ukraine

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