Reform UK Party Limited Company

Reform aren't doing well in the the polls. Do you think the Tories are? Because they're currently above the repackaged National Front. A bigoted, racist sub-section of our country are never going to get a political foothold, thankfully those times have changed. And anyone who sides with Farage after what he said last night is going to be called out; they're free to express their ideals, but they're going to be called out.
Holly Valance donated £50k to them, I mean she was fit back in the day but how thick is she.
I am 34 never voted in my life don't have a clue about politics but this year I am voting reform. After everything I ve heard and read labour scare the shit out of me

Can I ask what have you heard/read about Labour that scares you?
Both points in your question are false.

Starmer is not responsible for bringing people in to the party. Anyone is free to join and free to express a view. Only when things cross a line is there a decision to be made and Starmer tries to keep out of that unlike his predecessor.

And Starmer has never said that starving kids is acceptable.

If you can't keep the discussion based on reality there's no point going on.

Starmer had no involvement in Akehurst being put in North Durham? Haha fuckin hell.

Pressed on whether cutting off water and power supplies into Gaza would be appropriate as part of an Israeli response, he replied: "I think that Israel does have that right, it is an ongoing situation.
I am 34 never voted in my life don't have a clue about politics but this year I am voting reform. After everything I ve heard and read labour scare the shit out of me
What parts worry you, blue?

There are so many things when you step into politics, it can become a quagmire. It’s probably better to pick a few big issues that you would like changing and see which party offers you the best outcome, then vote for whoever you think is right.
Tbf I think Hilts has got food and water mixed up, Starmer did 100% state Israel has the Right to withhold Water from the Palestinian people. Either way like me and others have said it's an abhorrent and horrific thing to say. He shouldn't be anywhere near Number 10 on that quote alone.

Not mixed up just there doesn't appear to be a sufficient word for withholding water that can cause death. You can last a lot longer without food than water.

Maybe in their heads Starmer and @Gareth Barry Conlon have convinced themselves that Israel just made a couple of kids a bit thirsty like. I can see why he would vote for Starmer they seem to be made of the same stuff.

It's only kids though there is an election to win and annoying Israel would bring controversial headlines. Priorities chaps, Priorities.
The way that interview has been completely mythologised and twisted is infuriating to me and I don’t even like Starmer.

Starmer says about 10 times in 30 seconds “Israel has the right to defend itself… Israel has that right… Israel has that right…” clearly he is talking about Israel’s right to defend itself. That point is abundantly clear.

Ferrari interrupts and talks about stopping water and Starmer continues “Israel has that right [stuck in a loop of repeating the same thing he’s already said repeatedly]. Obviously everything should be done within international law.

How has the bit in bold been totally erased from history? How has this turned into Starmer advocating the deaths of children? Is starving children within the bounds of international law? No? Then that is quite obviously not what he’s suggesting. Is stopping water as a form of collective punishment within the bounds of international law? No? Then he clearly he was not suggesting that either. It’s not a matter for ambiguity.

There have been people complaining for years about the Tories taking things out of context and weaponising them against the likes of Corbyn, and now they’re quite happily doing it themselves without a second thought. Suggesting somebody believes war crimes are okay when they have actually quite clearly said the exact opposite. Unless somebody can come here and explain how war crimes can be committed within international law.

You know what clears things up? Actually answering the question. He could have said I am not happy with Israel cutting off water and electricity supplies to children. There you go that easy and pretty much everyone would agree with that statement.

But he said they have a right to defend themselves in a direct response to that question. That's validates it to the viewer.
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You know what clears things up? Actually answering the question. He could have said I am not happy with Israel cutting off water and electricity supplies to children. There you go that easy and pretty much everyone would agree with that state.

But he said they have a right to defend themselves in a direct response to that question. That's validates it to the viewer.
I won't be voting Labour, but although it's isn't what he said we all know it's most likely what he meant and he wouldn't believe depriving children of water was a good or a right thing.Not everything is black and white.

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