
A heads up for checking your confirmation after you renew.

We joined all cup schemes but noticed on the confirmation e-mail that one of the Cup Schemes for one of us wasn't listed. Last thing you want is to roll up for a game v Barca and find your card isn't activated!
urmston said:
urmston said:
I don't need to worry about City's usual p*ss poor ticket office today as I can't renew my seat anyway.

That's because I've got to leave the family stand next season and City haven't bothered telling me anything about what is going to happen in my case, except to promise me a letter which has not arrived.

City don't give a sh*t about their poor ticket office.

We will shortly be sending you a letter to explain this in more detail.

Yes, that's what the ticket office told me nearly 2 weeks ago - after I'd phoned them for a second time when after the first call they said they didn't know what was happening and would ring back but didn't. They said I'd get the letter in 'a couple of days'.

It hasn't arrived.

This letter apparently includes details of how I can renew, so why haven't I got it for the start of the renewal period?
Typical sh*t City ticket office. They know that people have to leave the family stand every year but still can't get the letter out on time.

Of course, it would have been a good idea to include the contents of the letter inside the renewal booklet which every did get - it would certainly have been more useful than pictures of players which I can get anywhere and evrywhere. But that would be too easy and too sensible for City's ticket office. They never waste an opprotunity to mess people around or leave them in the dark.

It's about time the ticket office was sorted out instead of having poorly trained staff in charge of a computer system many of them barely seem to understand.

Q 7. We currently sit in the Family Stand but no longer have any juniors in our party. What will happen?

A. Unfortunately, you will be required to move elsewhere in the Stadium, as you no longer meet the criteria to remain in the Family Stand.
We will shortly be sending you a letter to explain this in more detail. You will have the opportunity to move your seats during the exclusive relocation window between 29th June and 3rd July. If you do not wish to wait for the exclusive relocation window, you may also select any other available seat in the stadium from 7th June.

Seems pretty clear to me, so ring them now and get choice of seats that are not already allocated to s/t holders. Or wait until your EXCLUSIVE relocation window whereby you might have a bit more choice.

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