Repercussions - From the PL, FA, UEFA and within the Club

There is no way we'd have backed down if we hadn't spoken to UEFA and the PL to make sure there would be no repercussions.

Having said that, I'd be delighted if we ended up with better regulation, a wage cap, majority fan ownership, but can't see all of that happening. It's as Pep said in the press conference yesterday, there are too many organisations acting out of narrow self interest here.
No a back down was inevitable for all the participants the near universal hostility of the football fanbase and Boris threatening to break their balls brought everybody going to the party to their senses very quickly.
Ironically Brexit would have made it a lot easier for the government to introduce legislation to stop this dead in its tracks.

We got caught and will suffer the consequences which probably won't be too severe as the PL and UEFA love wonga just as much as the breakaway boys and won't cut off their nose to spite their face.

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