Report that Guardiola plans to sell Silva [according to Twitter ITK]

i think its bullshit,but i also said at the start of the season that if we fell short again it wont be just the manager who is changed ,sergio is exempt maybe hart ,but everyone else is underthreat,khaldoon was fuming last season ,he will be ruthless if we have a repeat

How many players can we realistically change in one transfer window?
Twitter and ITK in the same thread title, I am not sure that I know what an oxymoron is, but it's probably this isn't it?
Honestly can't say it'll be the end of the world if Silva is sold, I'd prefer it if we kept him, but I'd trust pep to replace him with someone more than up to job.
"Footballer Insider sources". How do these cunts sleep at night?

'Football Insider'. I wonder what the qualifying criteria are? I once showed legendary Exeter City forward, Tony Kellow (that's "hello, Tony Kellow, Tony Kellow, hello" to the uninitiated), around my school's summer fete in 1982. I thanked him for scoring a last minute equaliser in a 2-2 draw against the Green and White shite (that's Plymouth Argyle for the uninitiated), and he told me he enjoyed playing for Exeter very much, but declined to take part in the fete's penalty shoot out competition on the grounds that, and I quote from somewhat hazy memory "I've got me best bleedin' shoes on son". Do you think those are sufficient grounds for me to qualify as a 'football insider'?
If Ogdens on it, the inside source is probably the Swamp PR shit stirring department
Ogden knows fuck all about City so if he reckons this is a goer it is complete and total bollocks.
My 11 month old Granddaughter knows more about City than he ever will.

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