Respect for Inter Fans and City fans behaviour

Well because Liverpool weren't there, they always seem to be the common denominator.

When it comes to Liverpool, you've got their fans selling fake tickets, causing chaos outside the stadium etc etc. And then blaming local Parisian kids. That stadium in Paris has held so many big games and events, and local kids weren't a problem then we're they? - we all know it was the scousers, like it always is.

Anyway, well done to both sets of fans. I lived in Milan for a bit and always got along with fans of both the Milan teams. I was there when inter won Serie A, it was bedlam all night. Thousands of cars driving around the streets beeping horns all night. Great atmosphere though.
Didn’t see any trouble whatsoever all weekend - not even a hint as we walked through a packed Taksim Sq (Inter Hub before the game yesterday) - on the metro back into town after the game a bunch of them joined with the city fans in a bunch of anti-United chants which I thought was incredibly gracious

I didn’t see any trouble either. Just city and inter fans enjoying themselves in their own way and respectful of each others fan culture. Tbh what a privilege playing an Italian team in the final, and 3 x winners at that.

Amazing how peaceful these games can go ahead without scousers involved
Even the Cats are drinking with us.


Istanbul is famous for the street cats
Istanbul is famous for the street cats

Cat city. :-)

Yeah mate. Fucking loads of Cats everywhere. Thankfully I love Cats. A bit sad I know, my best mate is my Cat Carlos(Tevez) I can't describe how much I love him. TBH, most of the Cats look fucked in Istanbul, but they seem happy and are free to roam about, which is the main thing.
I can only vouch for what has been said. We are still there and no issues between the supporters at all from what I have seen.

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