Respect for Inter Fans and City fans behaviour

Reminds me of Dragac (En: Dragon) in Croatia..... They illiterally dominate almost every square foot of the pavements. It's like some big cat family all live there.
cats are sacred for muslums (i am not one)...esp due to muhammed's orders... cats are the king in istanbul esp... i am living with 4, all of them are adopted from street. they have a happly life in istanbul. mostly...
Did a lad called Jolly make it on that return bus?
Met him in a bar and he came on the piss with a few of us last night and was considering fuckin the bus off
Yeah mate, top lad is Jolly, but he skipped the journey on bus and is flying home (hopefully)
Just want to echo the thoughts of many on here.

Been all over the world following City, met some cracking sets of fans and some real arseholes, but inter were right up there with the very best. Whenever we bumped into them throughout the day they were talkative, kind and respectful before and after the game. We didn’t see or hear of any trouble at all and even whilst out for an early morning walk on the Sunday I bumped into a group of perhaps 7 on the seafront who I stopped and had a chat with for perhaps ten minutes before taking photos shaking hands and going our separate ways.

The locals too were exceptional with many coming up to us during our stay and taking photos and helping us with directions and other sorts of help. We were on the metro going to have a gander at the team hotel early Saturday afternoon when this local came up to us but didn’t speak English and we obviously didn’t speak Turkish. In his efforts to make himself understood he was becoming almost distraught until some other English speaking locals intervened to explain that he thought we were going to the stadium and was trying to tell us that we were on the wrong metro line. When we explained our intentions, there was a realisation with more hand shaking and pictures The friendliness we were shown was boundless.

Got to give a word of thanks to Stewards and (I almost hate to say it) but police inside the stadium who furnished dozens of requests from City fans to take pictures, and be in pictures. That was a great gesture and carried out without fuss or complaint.

A quick word about the stadium, I honestly don’t think that it would have got a safety certificate in England, amongst other things the gap between the edge of the seat and the seat in front was minimal and the seats didn’t fold up, which made passing someone rather hazardous, the steps were too steep and narrow and I saw several fans stumble and fall.Finally the location and transport links were abysmal.

We were undecided as to how to get back to our hotel and decided to try our luck on the Metro, we stopped en route to the Metro to try and get a cab, but the robbing gits wanted 300 Euros to go 10 km, so we carried onto the metro. Now we left when the vast majority of City fans left the stadium and the Inter fans had been gone perhaps 15/20 minutes.

I’m sad to say for those that got caught up in the bus Jam, that there were no queues for the Metro at all, we were on a train within 5 minutes of entering the station and this pulled out within 5 minutes of us getting on, and was nowhere near full. The train was perhaps twelve to sixteen carriages long and one of the station workers said that the the trains were lined up ready to come into the station as the previous one left and would run every few minutes for as long as necessary..

When we got to the last stop another local who was Egyptian and had been living in Turkey for five years approached us and asked us if we needed any help continuing our journey, he then spent time with us securing a cab back to our hotel where we arrived within an hour of leaving the stadium and in time for a re run of the game on the telly

Incidentally the Egyptian fellow was a”Rag” , but a good one.

All in all bearing in mind the result, one of the best away weekends ever.

You've got to have a bit of luck on your travels, but I find it's always best to be the polite version of the idiot Brit abroad. Sounds like you did this in abundance mate and it paid off. Also had a top weekend and met some top locals and Inter fans, won't let a few knobhead taxi driver incidents skew my overall view.
Can we get a message on their forum wishing them well? Or even a message in a newspaper.

Good shout mate. I've had a look on one of their forums but it's not as clearly laid out as our one. I was hoping to find one where it's match going fans rather than overseas ones which it seems to be.
Not one bit of trouble seen. I think this is another stick to beat the dippers with, how we behaved impeccably. Maybe a song about how it feels to be City and it feels to behave.
I'm still travelling home now but has any of the media outlets applauded the city fans behaviour saying we were a credit to our/ your country?
Have always liked Internazionale, first world cup I remember was 1970 and most of the players I recall from the Italian team were Inter players (Boninsegna, Fachetti, Mazzola and Vieri) but several of the non Inter players were great too, Riva and Rivera in particular :) No problem with their fans before or after, just nods of respect or a liitle chat if they spoke English. Hope they win many Italian trophies
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Not one bit of trouble seen. I think this is another stick to beat the dippers with, how we behaved impeccably. Maybe a song about how it feels to be City and it feels to behave.
I'm still travelling home now but has any of the media outlets applauded the city fans behaviour saying we were a credit to our/ your country?
No, just that we have no fans and 115 charges.

It’s unbelievable really but fuck them all
Not one bit of trouble seen. I think this is another stick to beat the dippers with, how we behaved impeccably. Maybe a song about how it feels to be City and it feels to behave.
I'm still travelling home now but has any of the media outlets applauded the city fans behaviour saying we were a credit to our/ your country?
What do you think?
If there was a ‘how to do it’ in terms of fan behaviour, this fixture, from the build up in Istanbul starting on Thursday to when most fans had left Sunday/Monday, is the perfect example. The Inter fans were top quality throughout.

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