Restoring the Death Penalty in Britain

Kolarocket launcher said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I dont know why anyone is bothered by this, even if it was voted back in our crazy human rights would stop any cnut from getting hung anyway. Just like everything else in this country it would decend into a farce. And if just if someone went to the gallows after raping and murdering 19,000 people im sure 100,000 people would take to the streets of London for the good cause of saving them!! Not In My Name

I have no ide where that came from but it made me laugh

Nothing angers me more than people defending scumbags lives. I remember seeing before a group for prisoner rights. I don't udenrstand why anyone who hadn't been to prison would give a fuck about the conditions that we leave the scum to live in. It just seems so wrong that anyone would care enough to protest about it. I was watching the programme about when some prisoners started protesting about the conditions they had to live in and it went on for a really long time in the prison where they took over parts of it (I'm sure someone knows which prison I'm on about). I don't understand what rights they think they have to say they deserve better conditions, utter scum and they should have been told they had 30 seconds to decide to give up or they would be taken down with deadly force. It would've saved about 30 days of police time. It bemused me even more when it showed footage of people showing up in support of the poor conditions they live in.

Sorry I've gone abit off topic, that post I quoted put me down this path.
The reason prisoners have (in your view) a good lifestyle keeps prison officers safe. Manchester/Scrubs riots were down to poor living conditions, many officers got very badly hurt.
tueartsboots said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I dont know why anyone is bothered by this, even if it was voted back in our crazy human rights would stop any cnut from getting hung anyway. Just like everything else in this country it would decend into a farce. And if just if someone went to the gallows after raping and murdering 19,000 people im sure 100,000 people would take to the streets of London for the good cause of saving them!! Not In My Name

I have no ide where that came from but it made me laugh
If someone raped and murdered 19,000 people they would be dead from exhaustion.

Yes i exagerrated for dramatic reasons
de niro said:
Skashion said:
de niro said:
if the labour party said they would bring it back not only would they sweep to power with the biggest ever majority i would actually vote for them.
Go and vote for the BNP then. They want it back, they want out of Europe too.

really? i'm in.
brings me to another debate, we voted 2-1 to join the common market iirc, well back then and to this day i have never met a voter that voted yes.


You are totally, historically wrong.
The referendum question was "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
We voted to stay in the common market. We were already in.
I voted yes by the way.
denislawsbackheel said:
de niro said:
Skashion said:
Go and vote for the BNP then. They want it back, they want out of Europe too.

really? i'm in.
brings me to another debate, we voted 2-1 to join the common market iirc, well back then and to this day i have never met a voter that voted yes.


You are totally, historically wrong.
The referendum question was "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
We voted to stay in the common market. We were already in.
I voted yes by the way.

was that not vote 2 ?
tueartsboots said:
Kolarocket launcher said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I dont know why anyone is bothered by this, even if it was voted back in our crazy human rights would stop any cnut from getting hung anyway. Just like everything else in this country it would decend into a farce. And if just if someone went to the gallows after raping and murdering 19,000 people im sure 100,000 people would take to the streets of London for the good cause of saving them!! Not In My Name

I have no ide where that came from but it made me laugh

Nothing angers me more than people defending scumbags lives. I remember seeing before a group for prisoner rights. I don't udenrstand why anyone who hadn't been to prison would give a fuck about the conditions that we leave the scum to live in. It just seems so wrong that anyone would care enough to protest about it. I was watching the programme about when some prisoners started protesting about the conditions they had to live in and it went on for a really long time in the prison where they took over parts of it (I'm sure someone knows which prison I'm on about). I don't understand what rights they think they have to say they deserve better conditions, utter scum and they should have been told they had 30 seconds to decide to give up or they would be taken down with deadly force. It would've saved about 30 days of police time. It bemused me even more when it showed footage of people showing up in support of the poor conditions they live in.

Sorry I've gone abit off topic, that post I quoted put me down this path.
The reason prisoners have (in your view) a good lifestyle keeps prison officers safe. Manchester/Scrubs riots were down to poor living conditions, many officers got very badly hurt.

If I was in charge I would fix it. I'd make it so prisoners never got near officers. At meal times you would lay out the food on the tables before you let the prisoners in. They could be let out into the yard for 1 hour a day but again you don't need any guards on duty. If any attack breaks out have a sniper who in instructed to go for the kill. I'd make life hell for all of them. Not only would I make life hell, I would take great glee in making them live in these conditions.
denislawsbackheel said:
de niro said:
Skashion said:
Go and vote for the BNP then. They want it back, they want out of Europe too.

really? i'm in.
brings me to another debate, we voted 2-1 to join the common market iirc, well back then and to this day i have never met a voter that voted yes.


You are totally, historically wrong.
The referendum question was "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
We voted to stay in the common market. We were already in.
I voted yes by the way.
People were never given the referendum as to weather "we" join the common market in the first place. "We" were asked in 1975 if "we would like to remain part of the Common Market". Referendum was post-legislative despite Tory boy Ted Heath ensuring joining would only happen under full acceptance from the people and Parliament of this country.
Yet another Tory lie that affects us today.
de niro said:
denislawsbackheel said:
de niro said:
really? i'm in.
brings me to another debate, we voted 2-1 to join the common market iirc, well back then and to this day i have never met a voter that voted yes.


You are totally, historically wrong.
The referendum question was "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
We voted to stay in the common market. We were already in.
I voted yes by the way.

was that not vote 2 ?

No. We were already in. The Tories took us in under Heath. The referendum was under Wilson's government.
That was the first referendum ever held and the only question asked in it. The second referendum ever held was the recent waste of time about voting.
denislawsbackheel said:
de niro said:
denislawsbackheel said:
You are totally, historically wrong.
The referendum question was "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
We voted to stay in the common market. We were already in.
I voted yes by the way.

was that not vote 2 ?

No. We were already in. The Tories took us in under Heath. The referendum was under Wilson's government.
That was the first referendum ever held and the only question asked in it. The second referendum ever held was the recent waste of time about voting.
Noticed Tory boy has gone into hiding? ;)
de niro said:
really? i'm in.
brings me to another debate, we voted 2-1 to join the common market iirc, well back then and to this day i have never met a voter that voted yes.


Other posters have already put you right on that one. Praise be to the anti-EU tories.
Not really contributing to the debate, but as ever the Daily Mash did make me laugh on this:

THE majority of British adults should be killed by the government, according to a new survey.

If we crank it up a notch we could get through 20,000 social workers a dayAn opinion poll found that 64% wanted 56% of the population to be hanged, beheaded or handcuffed to a trolley and injected with bleach.

The biggest target for government-sponsored murder should be social workers, followed by bankers, teachers, tabloid journalists, murderers and anyone who has ever worked for the BBC.

MPs are now set to debate calls for the state to kill most of the people in the country, as well as 'e-petitions' demanding the return of open sewers, coat hanger abortions and polio.

Margaret Gerving, from Guildford, said: "It has reached the point where I am afraid I would like to see most people killed by the government. And is that not a damning indictment of the way in which liberals have ruined British society?

"If it was not for them I suspect I would be living in a decent country where I would only want the government to kill a fairly small number of people."

She added: "Of course when this country had polio we also had proper values. We didn't have murdering or gayness or gay people murdering children, as they do almost every day now.

"I would happily inject bleach into a gay, paedophile child murderer. Especially if he is one of those ones that can speak French or watches a soap opera that contains a disproportionate number of homosexuals."

The survey also showed that 58% want the government to kill anyone who believes that child murderers should be kept alive and studied so we can find out as much as we possibly can about their brains.

Conservative MP Philip Davies said: "Not wanting to kill child murderers is exactly the same as murdering a child. In fact there's a study by the University of Staines which proves it's actually worse.

"The same study also proved that government-sponsored murder is a deterrent if you invent a completely different version of America to the one that actually exists."

But Julian Cook, professor of the same old tedious fucking bullshit at Roehampton University, said: "Our study actually found that the people who are in favour of execution are also the ones who go on and on - and fucking on - about how 'them Muslims are coming over here and trying to turn Britain into New Muslimia, where everybody gets executed and stuff'.

"Thank Christ they haven't realised. Can you imagine what would happen if this country was just slightly less stupid?"

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