Restoring the Death Penalty in Britain

wayne71 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
de niro said:
that absurd that if there was a referendem on it here it would be installed instantly.

I'm not sure that you're correct there. I think it would be a very close vote.

I'm sorry Bill, but your response to Skashion's post reeked of someone who is ignoring the facts in front of him because of his point of view. You are as entitled to your point of view as anyone, but have the courage of your convictions. You clearly believe in the death penalty but to suggest that it acts as any meaningful form of deterrent is absurd, especially based on Skashion's evidence.

He already said he believed in an eye for an eye.

At least now a mod disagrees with your point of view people can hopefully debate it without being called a 'fucking idiot' or 'BNP supporting daily fail reader' etc

When have I ever used those words to describe a fellow poster on this or any other thread?
wayne71 said:
At least now a mod disagrees with your point of view people can hopefully debate it without being called a 'fucking idiot' or 'BNP supporting daily fail reader' etc

Not really, the two are not mutually exclusive.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
wayne71 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I'm not sure that you're correct there. I think it would be a very close vote.

I'm sorry Bill, but your response to Skashion's post reeked of someone who is ignoring the facts in front of him because of his point of view. You are as entitled to your point of view as anyone, but have the courage of your convictions. You clearly believe in the death penalty but to suggest that it acts as any meaningful form of deterrent is absurd, especially based on Skashion's evidence.

He already said he believed in an eye for an eye.

At least now a mod disagrees with your point of view people can hopefully debate it without being called a 'fucking idiot' or 'BNP supporting daily fail reader' etc

When have I ever used those words to describe a fellow poster on this or any other thread?

Apologies if you haven't personally but these seem to be the usual insults thrown at anyone in these type of posts, I'm just generalising I guess.
I must say that I'm more against it than in favour of it, not least the danger of executing an innocent person. I think a more appropriate punishment is incarceration in a cell with access to only the most basic of amenities. It's a piss-take that those guilty of serious offences get the chance to live a life of near luxury inside. Prison is supposed to be a punishment, not a reward.

What I will say is this - if someone killed a close member of my family I reckon my mindset would change and I'd simply want the bastard dead. There's enough low-life scum around that are a waste of oxygen. And generally speaking but not in a death penalty way, the likes of Huntley, Sutcliffe, and Brady would hardly be missed if they croaked it.
wayne71 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
wayne71 said:
He already said he believed in an eye for an eye.

At least now a mod disagrees with your point of view people can hopefully debate it without being called a 'fucking idiot' or 'BNP supporting daily fail reader' etc

When have I ever used those words to describe a fellow poster on this or any other thread?

Apologies if you haven't personally but these seem to be the usual insults thrown at anyone in these type of posts, I'm just generalising I guess.

Apology accepted. Everyone is entitled to their point of view on a forum.

Even mods ;-)
All it takes is one mistake by the judge and an innocent man gets killed
Also if we did introduce the death penalty again we will be stooping as low as those murderers by killing them
All this bickering is complete waste of time. I'm for the death penalty but even if we got it back the Judges would not hand out that sentence. The Judiciary and the way the police forces work in the country is the real problem. If you could fix both of those problems and let justice be seen to be done for most crimes there would not be an out cry for things like the death penalty.
Damocles said:
Lucky13 said:
There is no contradiction in a suitable punishment for the crime you commit.

Why is this exempt from the laws of morality?

I don't see the death penalty as murder , I see it as a punishment.

We'll never agree , i'm happy to agree to disagree.

How do you fellas opposed to the death penalty feel about the nazis executed after the Nuremberg trials?

Or more recently Saddam Hussain?

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