Return of Supporters

So anyone on 22,000 or above will definitely have the chance to buy a ticket and there will be enough?

So we don’t have to enter the ballot?
That's correct, although the comms isn't clear enough in my view. They should have run it past us forst so we could check. If you've 22k or more you'll automatically be invited to buy a ticket if you want one.

You'll only need to go in the ballot if you want to attend with someone with fewer than 22k. So if you've got over 22k and your child has 5k, you can go in the ballot together but if you're not successful then you'll still be invited to buy a ticket on your own.
We talked about numbers/percentages but in the end, it was up to the club to decide as we don't know how many are on each points level. But as far as I'm aware it's about 10% of the SC allocation.
Edited as my maths was shite.

The more i think of this, it cant be right. 10% of a maximum of 10,000 is 1,000, there is no way only 1000 have 22,000 points.
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I'm big enough to say that was wrong and uncalled for if I'm incorrect, that's just the obvious logical explanation many will come to on this.

Perhaps you can explain then why you as a group decided a portion of the tickets should go to the people with the most points, (something I am 100% in agreement with) but didn't think that same principle should be applied all the way down the list to everybody?


We didn't, and to be honest we didn't all agree about the specifics between us either. However, we did feel it would be wrong from someone who hadn't missed a game to miss out, the club put the points on it.

For what its worth I'd have done it off loyalty points.
I think everybody needs to calm down a bit. Too many insults being dished out here.

That's correct, although the comms isn't clear enough in my view. They should have run it past us forst so we could check. If you've 22k or more you'll automatically be invited to buy a ticket if you want one.

You'll only need to go in the ballot if you want to attend with someone with fewer than 22k. So if you've got over 22k and your child has 5k, you can go in the ballot together but if you're not successful then you'll still be invited to buy a ticket on your own.

Makes sense, cheers

From a personal point of view, we have 3 S’Card holders over 22,000, so won’t enter the ballot and just wait for the Email Friday.
I'm on City Matters, I don't have 22k points and as Prestwich Blue mentioned earlier on in the thread, I'm pretty sure no one else on City Matters does either. Its very unfair to say we've "looked after ourselves".
but by arguing for a ballot you've no doubt increased your chances of getting a ticket I bet

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