Return of Supporters

My two sons, both Cityzens, have been successful, whereas I haven’t (S/C with over 15000 points). From that I suspect not that many Cityzens entered the ballot, or if there were a lot who entered they were really very lucky to both get one.
Did all three of you apply at the same time mate ?
People are behaving like spoiled kids. I've been to loads of interviews where I've had no feedback and they've maybe interviewed 5 or 6 people only. Or have applied for jobs that maybe 200 others applied for and had no feedback.

I think it's piss poor when you've been for an interview but I'm not going to get worked up about not getting feedback from an application. I just accept it and get on with life. We're talking about maybe 50-60k here so I understand why the club can't contact all those who haven't been successful.

And i've not had an email, so I'm neither getting a ticket nor on the reserve list. So all those who accused me and City Matters of looking after ourselves had it wrong. Had it been done on points then probably the majority of us with seasoncards would have got tickets. As it turns out, it seems only one has. So if we fiddled it to suit ourselves, we did a piss poor job.
That's bollocks, I didn't agree with how it was carved up but I've had to suck it up & luckily made the reserve list.

I takes one click on a decent computer system to isolate and email people who missed out. A poor show by the club & those by association who are compliant with it.
I am still absolutely fuming with the embarrassingly inept way this has been handled by our club! I’ve been going over 40 years got a couplr of mates who have been going over 50 years and 30 years and none of us have heard a thing! Yep it’s a ballot - we get that ! What we can’t accept is some randomness which enables people with a handful of games getting a ticket ! Outrageous! I’ve nothing against citizen members at all- but there is NO WAY they should have been in the same draw as season card holders ! None .
Then there’s the matter of people in the reserve pot getting a email whilst others are still waiting for the simple courteous of a reply ?
piss poor city - no customer service skills no recognition of season card holder loyalty - no ah to treat loyal fans !!

I feel for you pal but there always going to be winners and losers.
10k into 55k doesn’t go and it’s crap for guys like you.
The man responsible for me being a Blue also lost out and he’s also been going 50+ years.
The whole thing's been a shitshow. If I've not got a ticket then fair enough, but at least let me know: negative confirmation.
I can only imagine the Porto arrangements will be worse!
Did all three of you apply at the same time mate ?
Did three separate entries at around the same time. They’re both friends and family with me but couldn’t do a group because they’re Cityzens (ex S/C holders but went away to uni) and I’m a S/C holder. They’re only Friends and Family with me and not each other so they had to enter it separately. They’ve got consecutive membership numbers so that might be something to do with it??
Not heard anything yet. Some on here blaming the club or weirdly the supporter representatives because they haven't got either a ticket or an email yet need to chill
That's bollocks, I didn't agree with how it was carved up but I've had to suck it up & luckily made the reserve list.

I takes one click on a decent computer system to isolate and email people who missed out. A poor show by the club & those by association who are compliant with it.
And City supporter services were saying today that everybody would be contacted today whether successful or not. Can’t believe this guy is supposedly a fan representative.
It was a decision they agreed with. “City matters and the club didn’t think it was right to do it on loyalty points “ that’s from “our” rep.
Yeah you're right. I was just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt as an individual. The arguments they have put forward as to why they have done what they have done are flawed. There didn't have to be an allocation to citizens members but the argument City Matters are putting forward is that there had to be. Wrong. The club don't recognise loyalty anymore. I am not overly upset that I didn't get a ticket because the chances were not in my favour but to suggest that those under 22000 rarely miss a game home or away means either they haven't got a clue or they couldn't care less. And if you put yourself up for these positions PB then don't whine just because people don't agree with you.
Thought about this now, so my view those with points, get to games many of us can’t, cup finals , away games, whatever,.as they should I. have no issue.
This time a cross section of fans have been given a chance to go to a restricted game, just this once as a one off I think some of those unfortunate not to go despite high points while understandably disappointed could be a bit more magnanimous, as many have been.

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