Richard Dunne {merged}

Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

Good bye Dunninho...I have no problem with the choice of the club to sell him, but he was massive for us for a number of years...during years that without him relegation was more than just a small possibility.
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

King Of The Kippax said:
The Thread to say Good luck at Villa, You have been a True Blue for Many years, And i for one believe you didnt get the chance to Fight for your right to play. I did state earlier on another thread i think it was a good move for himslef and i still stick by that, But after watching his interview i feel for him to be Honest. He clearly never wanted to leave

Thanks Dunney


are you for real there's about 4 threads saying goodbye/goodluck ffs
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

I would have said good luck until he started slating the club, knowing full well the shit press we would have recieved.

So for me it is good riddance Mr. Dunne and I hope we don't see you too soon.

Also before everyone gets on their high horse to slate me, remember last summer when he was about to walk out of the club, until Hughes persuaded him otherwise, with a very large pay rise I might add. The simple fact he underperformed and Hughes who was a fan realised his time was up.

His crying about how he was sold, is just sour grapes. So live with it Dunne and shut up!!
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

Not happy that he was pushed out. Not happy at all. He earned his right to stay and at least try to fight for his position. He was with the club for 9 years. I am not just being sentimental Dunne is not a bad Center Half he would be excellent cover at least.
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

I have formed the opinion that The Management at MCFC regard Richard as very much part of the 'old school' and a 'cleaner' break you could not get. Regardless of his efforts, commitment, club captaincy and player of the year, I feel that his name was in the frame long before the transfer window opened.
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

great servent to the club and would be abit disappointed in our club if he asked for the chance to fight for his place and we said no,think he deserves abit more respect than that.all the very best dunney monster.
Re: For everyone that ISNT slating Richard Dunne

Thankyou Richard, brought the grit and determination to every game that was your best attribute. Gave 100% every game and it showed. Thought you wore your heart on your sleeve and to be honest would like to have seen you stay with us as it just doesnt look right you with "someone else" :(
Disturbance said:
skybluekings said:
Dunne has the premiere league record for a defender with the most red cards in his career: 9!!!


The 9 is wrong but the rest of the statement is correct as he is the most red carded defender with 8, overall he shares the record with two others a forward and mid-fileder Even if some of them were absolute bollocks there is no mention of that. Then there is sending off in Euro when he put paid to our semi final chance

As well as the corner against Everton remember the absolute bollocks penalty against Bolton when in the final minutes he put is arm up and punched the ball away for no reason?

I can't understand why he has this Sainthood, give him by some on here, this bitter attack on the club does not surprise me one bit. Yes, it is an attack on the club as GC is the Executive Chairman; if he had any feelings for the club then he should have kept quite and saved them for his book instead of shit stirring. He was totally out of order at the end of last season with his behaviour over SGE including his send off in the 8-1 he was ready to leave the club and did not conduct himself with dignity. IMHO the worse Captain I can remember with no sign of leadership, he can't even organise himself never mind a team.
Shut the f*ck up Dunne, shit i’m glad your gone, i’ll always miss your hoofs up into the stand and your big fat arse scoring endless own goals etc. Sorry your ending any kind thoughts i might still have had for you, but things are moving on...YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

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