Richards, what has got into him?

*singingtheblues* said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think there's a difference between where Ireland was before last season and where Richards is now.

I don't think anyone doubted that Ireland had ability and a football brain but they did doubt whether he had the mental toughness ot succeed at this level. His martial arts training sharpened him up mentally as well as physically and he came good.

Richards on the other hand, seems ot have no footballing brain at all. He doesn't seem to know where he needs to be or to understand how the play is building up. He is always reacting (usually too late) to events rather than anticipating them. There have been credible stories coming out of the club that Hughes has given up on him so we'll see what happens.

Good post.

Comparing Richards' case with Ireland's really doesn't wash.

yes but a lot of the micah lovers have been using the "bet you were saying the same about ireland" line. he was proving putting across his side
I think the problem is he never had it in the first place.

Hype, hype, and more hype was (and is) Micah's problem.

He amazed people with his physical prowess at such a young age, and has drowned in compliments and hype ever since.

It's only since he's got a little older and he's needed to show that he's capable of doing a little more just bench pressing Richard Dunne that he's really struggled.

He never had the technical ability nor the understanding of the game - and he never will.

Today epitomised his game;

Hopelessly out of position every time we had the ball, and every time we didn't

Doesn't know when to go forward, doesn't know when to track back

Doesn't know when to receive a pass

Never makes himself an option when he should

Makes himself an option when he shouldn't

Is completely incapable of crossing the ball

His passing resembles his touch (not a good thing)

Switches off persistently

And he is now bereft of what gained him all the hype in the first place, he has no pace or agility whatsoever- his arse is now broader than his shoulders.

The problem is he'll make the odd decent clearance and win a good header (his only remaining saving grace) and then everyone's on here proclaiming that England's greatest right-back has returned from his spell as a poor man's Titus Bramble.

The hype is what blinds everyone, enough of the false dawns and the "give him time" nonsense, he is simply not good enough for where we want to go, he is no longer a "prospect" - he's a 21 year old man, who hasn't looked anything like a capable mid-table fullback in years.

In January he'll be replaced and rightly so, and I'll duly wish him all the best - but I guarantee he won't become this fabled success everyone likes to think he'll be, but that won't matter because drowning a young English player in hype is the done thing nowadays.
*singingtheblues* said:
I think the problem is he never had it in the first place.

Hype, hype, and more hype was (and is) Micah's problem.

He amazed people with his physical prowess at such a young age, and has drowned in compliments and hype ever since.

It's only since he's got a little older and he's needed to show that he's capable of doing a little more just bench pressing Richard Dunne that he's really struggled.

He never had the technical ability nor the understanding of the game - and he never will.

Today epitomised his game;

Hopelessly out of position every time we had the ball, and every time we didn't

Doesn't know when to go forward, doesn't know when to track back

Doesn't know when to receive a pass

Never makes himself an option when he should

Makes himself an option when he shouldn't

Is completely incapable of crossing the ball

His passing resembles his touch (not a good thing)

Switches off persistently

And he is now bereft of what gained him all the hype in the first place, he has no pace or agility whatsoever- his arse is now broader than his shoulders.

The problem is he'll make the odd decent clearance and win a good header (his only remaining saving grace) and then everyone's on here proclaiming that England's greatest right-back has returned from his spell as a poor man's Titus Bramble.

The hype is what blinds everyone, enough of the false dawns and the "give him time" nonsense, he is simply not good enough for where we want to go, he is no longer a "prospect" - he's a 21 year old man, who hasn't looked anything like a capable mid-table fullback in years.

In January he'll be replaced and rightly so, and I'll duly wish him all the best - but I guarantee he won't become this fabled success everyone likes to think he'll be, but that won't matter because drowning a young English player in hype is the done thing nowadays.

Awesome Post!!!
*singingtheblues* said:
I think the problem is he never had it in the first place.

Hype, hype, and more hype was (and is) Micah's problem.

He amazed people with his physical prowess at such a young age, and has drowned in compliments and hype ever since.

It's only since he's got a little older and he's needed to show that he's capable of doing a little more just bench pressing Richard Dunne that he's really struggled.

He never had the technical ability nor the understanding of the game - and he never will.

Today epitomised his game;

Hopelessly out of position every time we had the ball, and every time we didn't

Doesn't know when to go forward, doesn't know when to track back

Doesn't know when to receive a pass

Never makes himself an option when he should

Makes himself an option when he shouldn't

Is completely incapable of crossing the ball

His passing resembles his touch (not a good thing)

Switches off persistently

And he is now bereft of what gained him all the hype in the first place, he has no pace or agility whatsoever- his arse is now broader than his shoulders.

The problem is he'll make the odd decent clearance and win a good header (his only remaining saving grace) and then everyone's on here proclaiming that England's greatest right-back has returned from his spell as a poor man's Titus Bramble.

The hype is what blinds everyone, enough of the false dawns and the "give him time" nonsense, he is simply not good enough for where we want to go, he is no longer a "prospect" - he's a 21 year old man, who hasn't looked anything like a capable mid-table fullback in years.

In January he'll be replaced and rightly so, and I'll duly wish him all the best - but I guarantee he won't become this fabled success everyone likes to think he'll be, but that won't matter because drowning a young English player in hype is the done thing nowadays.

My thoughts exactly, he can't get away with it any longer. The most worrying aspect is he always looks to blame someone else for his errors. He is unwillng to learn and this is why he will never be a success.
*singingtheblues* said:
I think the problem is he never had it in the first place.

Hype, hype, and more hype was (and is) Micah's problem.

He amazed people with his physical prowess at such a young age, and has drowned in compliments and hype ever since.

It's only since he's got a little older and he's needed to show that he's capable of doing a little more just bench pressing Richard Dunne that he's really struggled.

He never had the technical ability nor the understanding of the game - and he never will.

Today epitomised his game;

Hopelessly out of position every time we had the ball, and every time we didn't

Doesn't know when to go forward, doesn't know when to track back

Doesn't know when to receive a pass

Never makes himself an option when he should

Makes himself an option when he shouldn't

Is completely incapable of crossing the ball

His passing resembles his touch (not a good thing)

Switches off persistently

And he is now bereft of what gained him all the hype in the first place, he has no pace or agility whatsoever- his arse is now broader than his shoulders.

The problem is he'll make the odd decent clearance and win a good header (his only remaining saving grace) and then everyone's on here proclaiming that England's greatest right-back has returned from his spell as a poor man's Titus Bramble.

The hype is what blinds everyone, enough of the false dawns and the "give him time" nonsense, he is simply not good enough for where we want to go, he is no longer a "prospect" - he's a 21 year old man, who hasn't looked anything like a capable mid-table fullback in years.

In January he'll be replaced and rightly so, and I'll duly wish him all the best - but I guarantee he won't become this fabled success everyone likes to think he'll be, but that won't matter because drowning a young English player in hype is the done thing nowadays.

and thats why i reckon were going for macion in jan hes the perfect full back we need
Freestyler said:
He positioning is absolutely embarassing, if he wants to look for an example of defending and positioning today, he should look across to his left and watch wayne bridge.
I said this exact thing at the game today. I think Bridge has improved 10 fold this season, hats off to him. Well done Wayne.
He looks like hes 5 seconds behind the play all the time. Hes terrible and hasn't got a prayer of getting into the England squad. Thank god Zab is only banned for the one game. We could sell Richards at a decent price IMO as hes still young. Sell him and buy somebody like Maicon/Daniel Alves who is world-class.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Agreed. I love Given but he does have some weaknesses such as this. Also Toure should be telling them all what to do and making sure we defend as a unit, he's the captain.
I've seen Toure trying to get some message into Micah's head several times this season, today, for a change, Micah didn't look like he was arguing back.

Prestwich_Blue said:
I think there's a difference between where Ireland was before last season and where Richards is now.

I don't think anyone doubted that Ireland had ability and a football brain but they did doubt whether he had the mental toughness ot succeed at this level. His martial arts training sharpened him up mentally as well as physically and he came good.

Richards on the other hand, seems ot have no footballing brain at all. He doesn't seem to know where he needs to be or to understand how the play is building up. He is always reacting (usually too late) to events rather than anticipating them. There have been credible stories coming out of the club that Hughes has given up on him so we'll see what happens.
I don't know about the last sentence but the rest of that post is bang on for me. When he played in the middle under Sven he was widely criticised for not reading the game and using his pace to get him out of trouble, I was hoping that was an area of his game which would improve, it hasn't. If he's in position he can win headers and tackles, he's rarely in the right position.

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