
thought he had a good first half more so after the bad start but the second half we were far too deep and they could run at us and through us
Bluefinn said:
warpig said:
he had giggs and evra doubling up on his flank with little cover. any criticism is extremley harsh.

He had cover. SWP was there in many occasions. Too bad it wasn't much help. Micah is not a top right back and never will be one unless he learns to dribble and cross. I still think that Micah should be thinking about playing as a centrehalf.

He told Hughes he can't play at CB as he stops concentrating when he isn't involved in the action. Hence why we are forced to watch Robinho standing on the left side of the pitch in space whilst Micah Gio Messi attempts to dribble past 7 players before burying it into the top corner whilst England right winger SWP covers for him.
Richards was poor last season but this season i thought he was back to his best, especially last week against Arsenal.

He had a stinker today but it would be unfair to make him the scapegoat when the defence was poor throughtout.
He said he didn't want to be a CB, but spends all his time drifting into the centre. He's just not good enough for where we are trying to go. Zab will get sent off /banned every 3rd game, so I think Ned should get a go.
Richards is putting too much pressure on SWP to cover for him.
Gutted about today but we were at fault, leave Owen standing on his own and that will happen.
Still think today will be a turning point, we'll have to buck our ideas up in defence but we had a few missing, Stevies out of form and Tevez isn't match fit, but we have some players now who know how to win things and a good team spirit. I think we can make 4th, but no higher.
Bluefinn said:
warpig said:
he had giggs and evra doubling up on his flank with little cover. any criticism is extremley harsh.

He had cover. SWP was there in many occasions. Too bad it wasn't much help. Micah is not a top right back and never will be one unless he learns to dribble and cross. I still think that Micah should be thinking about playing as a centrehalf.

im telling you, your wrong. everything 2nd half came down their left and he was left isolated.
Bluefinn said:
warpig said:
he had giggs and evra doubling up on his flank with little cover. any criticism is extremley harsh.

He had cover. SWP was there in many occasions. Too bad it wasn't much help. Micah is not a top right back and never will be one unless he learns to dribble and cross. I still think that Micah should be thinking about playing as a centrehalf.

Shouldn't he be learning to defend first???????
I think Micah is too bulky for a full back. He has speed/power in abundance but is not built for endurance and looks fucked when he's supported an attack and just doesn't get back consistently. He constantly looks for opportunities to recover during matches - how long does it take him to get up when he thinks he's been fouled? I don't think he's lazy, I just don't think he can manage it, physically. Full backs are rarely built like Micah Richards. I would like to see the stats for ground covered by a typical full-back versus a centre half, but I suspect they would reflect that these roles have significantly different energy demands. As other posters have pointed out, he also fails to get tight enough and isn't great at preventing crosses - again, i think this could be a mobility issue. If Micah has a position in a top class side, it is as a centre half. Whilst he is not the tallest at 5'11, he has good aerial ability. In time I think he will grow into this role, but not sure it will be with us. BTW, don't think Ned is a full back either and it wouldn't be long before he became our new scapegoat if he played there.
Was it Micah that was pointing to Owen after he scored?

I like him, but I think he's got to concentrate on hin own game rather than point out where everyone else is going wrong.

Get the feeling he is trying to be a leader with his bollocking and pointing, I think he's got to make sure he is a footballer first.
The only saving grace for Micah is his age, that said he's got an ego and it will not allow him to know what he's done wrong. I recall him trying to give Vincent the face off/bump routine in one of VK's earliest games at centre back, he had been demoted essentially from that position to right fullback and Vk was playing the game of his life...only richards was'nt having instruction from him in regard to his positional sense(mirror image of him and toure today). Kompany looked at him like he'd gone out. I'm sure the words with Hughes last season were a very similar carry on...the kids a big head with not a lot to big headed about. He's been a big fit lad through school and got in the school teams...he's no footballer, he's a lucky boy to have broken through the professional i said a coule of month ago "every manager in the premiership now knows he's achilees heel" and because of ego it will not fixed (easilly). He wants to try acting for a career move...he does the 'i'm out of position so i'll go all injured, oh hang on the moves broke down, i guess i'm not injured any more caper' better than his right fullback impressions.

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