Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

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LittleStan said:
Mike N said:
LittleStan said:
writes a bit of sense this lad. Not rocket science is it?

Do you think these pricks would have been out today if we had seen the police breaking heads last night on t.v?

The Police have been awful.

I think that if the police had gone in heavy handed then many more people would have jumped in. Already the 'reason' for the riots in London has no relationship with them elsewhere but getting heavy will make martyrs out of the looters.

Fast tracking the kids they have arrested and letting everybody see the consequences will stop the looting.

Mob opinion changes very easily and it could turn in favour of the rioters very quickly.

Bollocks! The vast majority of the country want to see the police unleashed, and some real justice

lee-mcfc said:

People who set fire to shops with flats above them should be charged with attempted murder and jailed for life.
There is a light said:
Warwickhunt said:
There is a light said:
Are plastic/ rubber bullets still legal? I know they have been used in riot situations in NI many times before.
Who cares?, is looting, burglary,criminal damage,assault legal?

Agree pal, but they're hardly going to use live bullets.

Just wondering if it is an option. These little cunts would soon shit themselves if they opened up on them.

Don't worry, i wasn't having a pop at you.
I just think if the scrotes are going to do illegal shit, then do what it takes to stop them wether it's legal or not, the don't deserve to have any law on there side anyway.
Rushton121 said:
now reports gangs gathering in Ashton?

What is there to wreck in Ashton?

At best they could do three hours rioting and cause a couple of hundred pounds worth of damage...
Not read the full thread, so maybe this has been answered. However, how the fuck can they be on Market Street and trashing stuff? What the fuck is going on? Although there were riots in London, I bet if they got anywhere near the West End, or high profile shops like Harrods the police would be all over them. Market Street for fucks sake.....surely that could be stopped?
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