Rishi Sunak

My MP is the current attorney general and as such she may be asked as the government’s senior legal officer to vote for a policy which is probably breaking international law according to some legal minds.
Party or law and order…….tough call.
The bill will get through this reading. It was always going to get through, they have an 80 seat majority - and importantly this isn’t the final reading, it’s not even gone through committee, nobody will bother playing their hand to strike it down at this stage.

What you’re seeing today is pure political theatre designed to make it look like Sunak has overcome the odds in a titanic struggle to push through “much needed legislation”.

This is from page one of the Tory strategy book. Set the bar so low that even the most incompetent and lowly can slither over it and then they can claim it to be the greatest comeback since Lazarus.
The bill will get through this reading. It was always going to get through, they have an 80 seat majority - and importantly this isn’t the final reading, it’s not even gone through committee, nobody will bother playing their hand to strike it down at this stage.

What you’re seeing today is pure political theatre designed to make it look like Sunak has overcome the odds in a titanic struggle to push through “much needed legislation”.

This is from page one of the Tory strategy book. Set the bar so low that even the most incompetent and lowly can slither over it and then they can claim it to be the greatest comeback since Lazarus.
I suspect that it will be kicked into the long grass never to see daylight again, I agree with you it will get through the Tories have not got a death wish they know they are toast come the next election but why not make hay whilst the sun is shining, I would hope that the Tory swivel eyed loons would stand by their convictions and vote against but I doubt they will
Yvette Cooper speaking now intelligent lady certainly researched her plan for immigration has all the facts, she is taking on the Tories bet they wish she was one of them
Sky just went to one of their Tory presenters just when she is wrapping her speech up

She made them look like complete morons on a couple of occasions, which granted isn’t that difficult with this lot.

Also the line about the Prime Minister coming back early from COP28 “so the policy has led to at least one plane taking off” was a zinger.

Listening to some of the Tories responding just make me want to kick things. Fools and sophists. At one point Cooper spent 5 minutes talking about what the Labour government would do - 1,000 more people to process applications, a new focused Returns Unit, new joint initiatives with Europol. Then the next Tory **** in line stands up and says “the Labour Party hasn’t once said what it would do”.

They are consistently like the stupid, badly behaved kid in class who doesn’t pay attention and holds everybody else back, except they are doing it to the whole country. Most of them are slower than molasses and it’s embarrassing.

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