Rishi Sunak

I'd support that if only so I could say I'd had the PM and her husband round to my place for tea. (26 years ago...)
I like her stern demeanour and hectoring style. She’s perfect for exposing the current batch of bullshitting right wing lightweights.
As others might have said Yvette Cooper is an intelligent articulate alternative and she has Balls :-)
That’s the thing, I don‘t think Starmer comes across as that boring anymore, that stems back to the initial attempts to put him down when he got the job. Since then he has grown in confidence and is very good getting his comments across, at the dispatch box he regularly had/has Johnson, Truss and Sunak on toast.

However, what I find most appealing his the Shadow Cabinet. They have a real zing to them and very compelling whenever I hear them speak.
Interesting perspective. I think he's ok, generally speaks clearly when he chooses to (which isn't always, given how often he has to evade or deny something he said previously), but his style is very boring.

You can tell I like the way he speaks maybe it’s the hair or the suit and he was head of public prosecutions plus he sounds honest. Remember Johnson he could hardly make a sentence without hesitating for his next word of a lie very hard for me to listen, Sunak speaks so fast I can barely keep up without getting breathless.

From someone of limited knowledge of what good diction is it’s important that those in charge can speak clearly so I can listen
The truth is I’m a labour voter and I’m happy with the opposition
That’s the thing, I don‘t think Starmer comes across as that boring anymore, that stems back to the initial attempts to put him down when he got the job. Since then he has grown in confidence and is very good getting his comments across, at the dispatch box he regularly had/has Johnson, Truss and Sunak on toast.

However, what I find most appealing his the Shadow Cabinet. They have a real zing to them and very compelling whenever I hear them speak.
Totally agree
We're fucked aren't we? I honestly can't think of one of them who wont change their beliefs for coin.
Coin may well be a factor.

However, they often find that harsh reality stops them from doing what they want to do. I think people imagine that if you are PM (or Minister) you have limitless power. In some areas, you do. For example, if you want to completely fuck up the nation's education system based on your ignorant beliefs and are arrogant and pig-headed enough to press on despite every sane person in the education service telling you it will be a disaster, you can. As Mr Gove proved.

But if you want to return a single refugee to the coast of France you need the agreement of the French Government, and getting hot and bothered about it will not change that reality.

Politics is the art of the possible. (Otto von Bismarck - though I think Harold Wilson was fond of the quote.)
Thatchers scope of vision was her making but also her undoing. No British leader has ever squandered more. If she’d had grace and humility, the nation would have prospered from her ‘victory’, but she was too consumed by enmity to do the right thing. She really missed an opportunity there to bring the nation together.

A bad winner is even worse than a bad loser.

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