Rishi Sunak

Politicians are cunts, all of them.

I have known quite a lot of politicians over the years. I would say that on average the degree of cuntishness is no greater than in the general population. Believe it or not, I have even known Tories whose honesty and dedication to public service I admired. Albeit, in later years these people were increasingly replaced by by swivel-eyed idiots.

The problem is, however good a councillor or MP you are, you cannot hope to please everyone. Not a chance. The second thing is, this is a complex world and too many people want simple solutions. There are limits to the power of any politician, as I have said before. So if you expect them to solve all your issues (whatever they may be) you are doomed to disappointment.

That some politicians are grifters, conmen and crooks I don't deny for a minute. You can recognise them very easily. They are the ones who play on your emotions, blame some group 'X' for this and that, and tell you that they have some fancy scheme that will sort the issue they want you to focus on. Ring any bells?

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