Robinho:-I will continue in Europe, either in Italy or Spain

It's simple if he doesn't want to go to Turkey and a Italian or Spanish team don't offer us 20 million.

He stays and plays with the reserves or warms the bench.
I would just love it that he gets no offers. and why would they come running now after having the whole transfer window? ha!
Robinho needs us more than we need Robinho now. If the deal doesn't suit us and he doesn't want to play for us stick him in the reserves for the rest of his contract we can afford to do it and he'll waste his best years.

Such a shame, I still love him as a player, he could be a great addition to an amazing squad if he wasn't such a prick.
It's such a shame when a sublime talent like that is wasted on such a fucking tosser. He could have been one of the best, instead he'll be remembered for being a feckless little gobshite.
I hope he loses all his money and ends up gutting fish for a living. Twats like him don't deserve their talent.
This is better for city in the long run. We don't need a disruptive lay about when we have talents such as A.Johnson who are willing to bust a gut to prove themselves. So long Robinho..
He doesn't want to put in the work.. he'll look in the past to how much of a poor idea this was.

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