Robinho - 'Of Course I'd Enjoy Playing for Barca'

twinkletoes said:
They have only given half of what he said in the article he also said -

"Te aseguro que, en estos momentos, mi padre, que es mi único representante, no me ha dicho nada del Barça. No sé nada, repito, puedes creerme. Además, por respeto al Manchester City que es mi equipo, deberían ser los dos clubs quienes hablaran de nuevo sobre mi cesión o traspaso y luego comunicármelo a mí. No es correcto que hablemos de ese hipotético traspaso o cesión hasta que haya algo más concreto".

"I assure you, at this time, my father, my sole representative, has not mentioned anything of Barca. I know nothing, I repeat, you can believe me. In addition, out of respect to Manchester City that is my team, it should be the two clubs that speak again about my transfer and then comunicate it to me. It is wrong to talk about this hypothetical transfer or assignment until you have something more concrete. "

What he should have said is "I am a Manchester City player and I intend to see out my contract".

Cheers for that mate. Looks like he's well on his way
Rammy Blue said:
twinkletoes said:
They have only given half of what he said in the article he also said -

"Te aseguro que, en estos momentos, mi padre, que es mi único representante, no me ha dicho nada del Barça. No sé nada, repito, puedes creerme. Además, por respeto al Manchester City que es mi equipo, deberían ser los dos clubs quienes hablaran de nuevo sobre mi cesión o traspaso y luego comunicármelo a mí. No es correcto que hablemos de ese hipotético traspaso o cesión hasta que haya algo más concreto".

"I assure you, at this time, my father, my sole representative, has not mentioned anything of Barca. I know nothing, I repeat, you can believe me. In addition, out of respect to Manchester City that is my team, it should be the two clubs that speak again about my transfer and then comunicate it to me. It is wrong to talk about this hypothetical transfer or assignment until you have something more concrete. "

What he should have said is "I am a Manchester City player and I intend to see out my contract".

cheers twinkle.

still sounds to me like the transfer will happen, i would like to think though that we won't get the rough end of the deal.

Yaya, Henry and Puyol will do.

You could argue we don't actually need any of those players.

Henry = too old, plus evidently we have one too many left-sided attacking players now to keep them all happy, so why replace an outgoing one?

Puyol = We don't need another centre-back so would only be of any use to us if played on the right really.

Yaya = We have holding midfielders coming out of our earholes, though admittedly he is the sort of quality you would find it hard to pass up the opportunity to sign, regardless.
tmouseman said:
If we are all honest he only originally came to us because he did not want to play for Real any more and needed a way out.He said he would play for anyome rather than Madrid.
Since his arrival I am sure he likes it at City and is excited about "the project" and obviously great support and good wage helps.
I am also sure if he could go and play for Barcelona he would love to and he is obviously making that clear but he is not trying to engineer a move as Ronaldo did with the rags. Nor is he making demnads or threats. It is football, the modern game.
How can we be so Hypocrytical, we want to sign the best in the world and some clubs don't want to sell them but that doesn't stop us and nor does it stop us from welcoming them with open arms.
If a bid comes in and we accept then wish him luck and let him go.
Otherwise cheer himk on and welcome him back in the team when he can get his place back.

THIS, THIS and thrice THIS!!! It's all well and good us throwing money at teams we believe we will soonbe better than, taking their players basically against their will, but the same applies to us when the bigger clubs want what we have, and the truth is ALWAYS going to be that Barca are in a stratosphere we will never be in. There are some naive, short memories on this forum.
Guys it is simple and happens every few months - and we lap it up - same as his old club Santos - when in Brazil for a recent game he was asked .............. " would you like to play for Santos again before the end of your career...." He answered with great courtesy (words to the effect) - yes I love Santos and if I was to play here again I would be very happy

So he is not disrespecting his old club or anybody... - but he adds - but I am very at Manchester City and looking forward to...... but of course that part is not reported and the gutter press report that he is homesick and wants to go back to Brazil - and a lot of CITY fans just take it in

He gets asked the same about Barca almost all the time and his answers are 'probably' similar - does not disrespect the club - 'probably' also makes positive comments about CITY - but the press want to report things that cause reaction - and we are daft enough to take the bait (well some of us)

On the OS at the moment is a clear statement from Bowen that this is not happening - I would think the only thing that would unsettle Rob is to lose the love of the fans - and it does seem as some could go down that road through gullibility
sablue said:
Why is he a twat?
we are on the way up,he could be the part of it,but i think he wants to be top dog,and now that the team are doing fine without him he wants out,we want team players not wankers with a shit attitude

So Robinho is a "wanker with a shit attitude"?
Words fail me.
So he would like to play for the best club side on the planet.
What footballer wouldn't?
No player at a top-level club has the automatic right to a first-team place anymore,and i'm sure Robinho is fully aware of that.
But slating him for having ambition is just stupid.
Or would you stay working for the same employer out of loyalty if someone offered you £20 grand a week more to play for the worlds best team?
when will people wake up and smell the coffee- he is at Manchester City for a reason. He is not good enough or have the work ethic to hold down a place at Barca. I have nothing against him but I will not be shedding a tear if he left, he's not suited to English football and has been poor more often than he has been brilliant.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
sablue said:
Why is he a twat?
we are on the way up,he could be the part of it,but i think he wants to be top dog,and now that the team are doing fine without him he wants out,we want team players not wankers with a shit attitude

So Robinho is a "wanker with a shit attitude"?
Words fail me.
So he would like to play for the best club side on the planet.
What footballer wouldn't?
No player at a top-level club has the automatic right to a first-team place anymore,and i'm sure Robinho is fully aware of that.
But slating him for having ambition is just stupid.
Or would you stay working for the same employer out of loyalty if someone offered you £20 grand a week more to play for the worlds best team?

I'd save your breath mate, or in this case the inevitible athritis the constant typing will cause! I have had this with a load of people on here this last 2 days, some eventually see it the way it is, however some are so far blue-blinkered that they fail to see who we are and who Barca are in the scheme of things. It is a total waste of time.
a club we will NEVER be on a par with
well, with that mindset we might as well give up now, he is a money grabing twat,and you my friend might as well go with him ,we want players and people to belive in the club and the journey we are on and sing from the tree tops that city are back.

fcuk off
sablue said:
a club we will NEVER be on a par with
well, with that mindset we might as well give up now, he is a money grabing twat,and you my friend might as well go with him ,we want players and people to belive in the club and the journey we are on and sing from the tree tops that city are back.

fcuk off

We won't be in the next 20 years regardless of what we win. Do some research about Barca and how they are run, their average attendances, history, trophies etc.

My issue is that Im happy for him to go because I don't rate him if you take into account ALL his performances.
sablue said:
a club we will NEVER be on a par with
well, with that mindset we might as well give up now, he is a money grabing twat,and you my friend might as well go with him ,we want players and people to belive in the club and the journey we are on and sing from the tree tops that city are back.

fcuk off

If you're going to swear, at least do it properly.

You simply fail to see who we are and who Barca are, don't you. With all the best will, intentions and money in the world, we are always going to be second to Barca, Madrid et al so you might as well get used to that fact now. We may one day be on a par with our red neighbours, but that is also a lifetime away as not only do we have to match their success, we have to better it and the liklihood is their success will continue alongside ours, if we have it that is. Barcelona are on a different planet even to united, and so we will not be on a par with them ever and there are also none-footballing factors which will mean that will never happen too. If in ten years time the most successful teams of that last decade in europe and domestic are Barca, Madrid, united then us, I will be one happy,happy man and that is where we can hopefully be. The day will never EVER come though where a player looks at us and Barca and choses us over them based on footballing reasons and its time you and many others realised that. If you think i'm less of a blue cos of that, I couldn't a monkeys cock to be honest, as all it really means is i'm a realist and know that 10 years ago we were mid table in the championship having just spent a year in the THIRD level of English football. You probably don't know that though as you are, as you sound, most likely one of the glory hunters so on that basis, you FUCK OFF.

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