Robinho - 'Of Course I'd Enjoy Playing for Barca'

legendary status
dont need it mate,just say what i belive is right if people dont agree thats fine by me.

6000 post or 15 any person can see that he wants out ,he has no fight
I always have a good laugh reading these threads reacting to articles in newspapers with "quotes", I mean .... why bother. The guy being interviewed can't win. If he had said he doesnt want to comment, you would all be saying that means he isn't fully committed and didn't say he was staying. If he said he was fully committed and staying you could be sure the next question would be "Wouldn't you like to play for Barca then?", to which he would have to reply with a quote that would be in all the newspapers the next day with the original commitment left out. If he only said again he was committed and is staying, there would be another follow up question or a "coy about his future at City" headline .....

You can't blame the guy for how the press uses the quotes he gives in the papers the next day. Journalists are out for headlines not reporting on boring people happy to be where they are. He is young, and the press generally are wily old professionals and are very good at what they do.

To attack the guy's character because of what the press report , frankly, shows just as litle loyalty to him as you are accusing him of showing to City. Think about that one .....

Maybe in his mind he wants to go to Barca, maybe he doesnt. You certainly won't find that out by reading newspapers, you will find out by seeing how he plays on the pitch when he is back.
Like most Brazilians, he hasn't set the prem alight, when he arrived he said he wants to become the best player in the world with us, but ATM he's far from being the best at city, maybe the physicality in england is too demanding.
Also he's probably just covering all his options as I would if I kept hearing rumours that my future was in doubt
Whatever happens, both Robi & City will be ok.
I have been sticking up for Robbie over the last few days but now I have it on good authority that hes off to barca.

Oh well..
I seem to recall him saying something along those lines months ago...... seems like a good old "re-hash" from the Mail......
samharris said:
I have been sticking up for Robbie over the last few days but now I have it on good authority that hes off to barca.

Oh well..

Still stick up for him mate, he's doing nothing wrong. Like SABlue there are a few on here who simply don't get it. I have come up with a similar transfer... here goes. Remember Juninho?, (SABlue, he was a little Brazilian who played for Boro in 1995, incase your knowledge doesn't go back that far), well he came to Boro under the same corcs as Robbie to us. Boro, a club up and down, not steeped in history, (yes I know we have some history), and pretty much a team no-one would think a player like Juninho would go to. Anyway, he went and did well. Season after that Athletico Madrid came a knocking, (yes I know they had been relegated, which isn't like us now). What is little Juninho to do? Stay at Boro, (lets say they were still in the top flight), or go to a more illustrious club in A Madrid? There is only one answer, and that is exactly what Robbie is doing now. He is at a club on the up, but thats all we are right now and if the rumours are true, he has the chance to go to the biggest club in the world. There is literally only one answer for the kid to make, go to Barca. Nothing to do with wages, 'the fight', just a pure footballing decision and it is astounding that people cannot grasp that fact.
samharris said:
I have been sticking up for Robbie over the last few days but now I have it on good authority that hes off to barca.

Oh well..

Not from reading the papers I hope :O)

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