
The same fans that slagged off Anelka(doesn't care,doesnt track back etc) are at it again, all I say is go and cheer your badge kissin,arm pumpin average players, if you want Robbie Savage go and fuck off to the championship,the sooner we get rid of the "he's good because he'll fight all day" players the better,we need class and Robie is just that.
Trinno said:
The same fans that slagged off Anelka(doesn't care,doesnt track back etc) are at it again, all I say is go and cheer your badge kissin,arm pumpin average players, if you want Robbie Savage go and fuck off to the championship,the sooner we get rid of the "he's good because he'll fight all day" players the better,we need class and Robie is just that.
So you're calling fans who want the players to show a bit of passion? There are world class players out there who will fight all day and also have bags and bags of talent. Messi, Gerrard, Rooney and Essien to name a few.
Daniel Sturridge said:
Trinno said:
The same fans that slagged off Anelka(doesn't care,doesnt track back etc) are at it again, all I say is go and cheer your badge kissin,arm pumpin average players, if you want Robbie Savage go and fuck off to the championship,the sooner we get rid of the "he's good because he'll fight all day" players the better,we need class and Robie is just that.
So you're calling fans who want the players to show a bit of passion? There are world class players out there who will fight all day and also have bags and bags of talent. Messi, Gerrard, Rooney and Essien to name a few.

In fairnes thats what the lad has been trying to do, but too hard.
[/quote]Messi, Gerrard, Rooney and Essien to name a few.[/quote]
Those players are surrounded by quality in their team, we need a few more before that comparison can be made.
BillyShears said:
Benarbia said:
Him taking the penalty clearly highlights all the problems at the club.

Please enlighten us as to what these problems are...

I think it points to the fact that everyone bows to him. Elano is our penalty taker and should have done so today.

I love Robbie and really want him to do well. I am sure next year he will be twice the player he was when he first came to us!
Daniel Sturridge said:
Trinno said:
The same fans that slagged off Anelka(doesn't care,doesnt track back etc) are at it again, all I say is go and cheer your badge kissin,arm pumpin average players, if you want Robbie Savage go and fuck off to the championship,the sooner we get rid of the "he's good because he'll fight all day" players the better,we need class and Robie is just that.
So you're calling fans who want the players to show a bit of passion? There are world class players out there who will fight all day and also have bags and bags of talent. Messi, Gerrard, Rooney and Essien to name a few.

Cheltblue said:
rastus said:
coleridge said:

Don't worry about it, my good man. One of my best mates spent the entire match expounding upon his 'Robinho is running the club' theory. It's an easy trap to fall into.

As I've said before, I don't really care if Robbie stays or goes come the summer, but while he's playing in the shirt I'd rather given him the benefit of the doubt, but others are fully entitled to criticise as they wish. It's just disappointing from fellow citizens but, then, it was ever thus.

For my epilogue, please consider why it is that most fans of other clubs show such an animosity towards him. You decide why.

As long as we take this opportunity of bieng succesfull with our new owners, I have no problems with changes , players or manager, thats football.

Re: your epilogue...that most fans of other clubs show such an animosity towards him.

Probably its just joining in the chorus with some of our own fans ;-)

Seriously though they see him as our statement to be big, but to be big you need more than 1 player. Unfortunately we need 5/6 further statements if we really do want to be in the top 4.

Absolutely agree Rastus, thats just how they see him and unfortuantely so do far too many of our own fans. He is a very young lad and as with most overseas players, the PL is a bloody tough league to get used to.

The statement of intent weighs heavily on Robbies shoulders, and while its very harsh on him, i truly believe that he will click again and become the man we all know and want him to be at City.

I agree and hope he is with us next season, where we will reap the benefits.
Ch0pper Reid said:
BillyShears said:
Benarbia said:
Him taking the penalty clearly highlights all the problems at the club.

Please enlighten us as to what these problems are...

I think it points to the fact that everyone bows to him. Elano is our penalty taker and should have done so today.

I love Robbie and really want him to do well. I am sure next year he will be twice the player he was when he first came to us!
or Elano was giving it to his friend Robinho to try and help his confidence, but everyone loves a conspiracy theory and drama at city =)

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