
Danamy said:
blueinsa said:
pmsl, the misses has just asked me what the fuck im laughing at!

I bet you didn't show her the bit where you said her dresses are too big? lol

Did i fuck!

Hang on a do i know they are too big......;-)
ElanJo said:
Dubai Blue said:
They wouldn't. Their managers have eyes and can see that he quite clearly can't cut it in the English game. And he wasn't even that great in Spain anyway.

Perhaps he could scrap club football altogether and just play internationals for Brazil. I get the feeling that's what would make Robinho truly happy.

Chelsea may not atm due to the narrow system they play but they'd rather have him than Malouda. Wenger would definitely want him if he could afford him. Infact Robinho would shine at Arsenal where player movement is second to none.

He did pretty well in spain. Won Real the league practically on his own but then I guess it's possible that he got valued at around 30mill for nothing... sounds plausable.

mate that is utter bollocks, if he won them the league on his own he would have never got sold.
robinho was brilliant in flashes at real, much like he was last year, and in the main was reduced to a part on the bench, where he would come off and at time provide the inspiration they needed
mammutly said:
tamworthblue said:
I'm not sure about that Mammutly. You could have a point about the World Cup but I really don't think he wants to be in the UK (see previous post). Don't think the team play suits him...I'd really hoped Bobby Manc for Hughes would have sorted that but what do I know. The whole team today were shit apart from Shay.

Well It doesn't seem to me that Mancini is any kind of fool. I'm sure he'll sit down with Robinho and find out if he wants to be here or not.

Not a good performance today by anybody really, as you say. Here's hoping there's a backlash on Tuesday....

Yes. Let's hope a good bollocking and self realization that we were crap gives us a bit of a backlash.
If Mancini tells him," in order to be picked for the Brazil Squad you have got to be playing regular first team football and the way you dont bother playing for me means i dont select you,so get you fucking finger out or you can just do a bit of commentating for Brazilian radio while your mates are out there playing" (and dont piss in the bath just cause you was first in)
mammutly said:
scowy68 said:
You must be joking,how can you get behind a player that clearly doesn't want to be at your club?

I think he does want to be here, but I'm wondering how much he is focused on the world cup and staying injury free for that. Someone needs to have a word with him, but I would still love to see him stay and play well for City.

Just as well SWP,Barry,Tevez and a few others don't feel the same way then.They are going to the world cup and all have had injuries.The little shit is the highest paid player in the prem.He needs to start earning his money.
didactic said:
My, my, my what fickle mutherfuckers you all are.
No wonder Rags say its a small club mentality, im actually at the stadium while
you sit and post shite about players. Bet most of you are Johnny Come Lately fans
anyway. I hope Robinho leaves he was only our best player last season and
takes all you fickle fans with him.

The real fans know how good a player he is and a great free kick and penalty
wont change that.


your a fucking first class prick that is clearly a jonny come lately, for your information I was at the goodison shed, with the prawn sandwich brigade sat on my hands like a spacker and was totally and utterly fucking pissed off with the lazy twat, yes the rest of them today were equally abysmal, however he is not worth shit let alone £32,000,000. Ive had enough of paying the fuckers wages, most people struggle to make the money for a season ticket and that tosser strolls about like we owe him something....... read this robinho please pack your bags your not wanted... nor needed.
scowy68 said:
mammutly said:
I think he does want to be here, but I'm wondering how much he is focused on the world cup and staying injury free for that. Someone needs to have a word with him, but I would still love to see him stay and play well for City.

Just as well SWP,Barry,Tevez and a few others don't feel the same way then.They are going to the world cup and all have had injuries.The little shit is the highest paid player in the prem.He needs to start earning his money.

He appears to believe that being Brazilian and setting foot on a football pitch is all he need do to shine. He is a monumental waste of time and a bit of a disgrace. Shirley most of us are sick of him now. Let him fuck off to Barca, if they'll have him.
didactic said:
Fickle fuckers.

I hope he leaves and takes all the Johnny Come Lately City fans with him.

Im sick of the supporters most of which dont even know where
the stadium is. The internet allows idiots to post whatever they want
hiding behind screen names when they have zero idea about the sport.

I bet half of you were rag fans before the money came.

So a fantastic free kick and a penalty are Robinhos fault??

Im disgusted really. Making my way from the ground now didnt see
any of you Robinho out crowds there. Ohh wait you never actually
go watch the games just talk shite online.


how ironic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barry Conlons wig said:
didactic said:

your a fucking first class prick that is clearly a jonny come lately, for your information I was at the goodison shed, with the prawn sandwich brigade sat on my hands like a spacker and was totally and utterly fucking pissed off with the lazy twat, yes the rest of them today were equally abysmal, however he is not worth shit let alone £32,000,000. Ive had enough of paying the fuckers wages, most people struggle to make the money for a season ticket and that tosser strolls about like we owe him something....... read this robinho please pack your bags your not wanted... nor needed.

Absolutely top post and it's about time people stopped jumping down people's throats when it comes to Robinhio. He thinks he's too good for City and you all know it. The club is the important thing, not that self-worshipping half wit.
I have really wanted Robinho to succeed, it is apparent to me that he does not want to be here anymore. Today once again showed that this league is too physical for him. Obviously he has talent, but the occasional flash we get to see is not enough. Unfortunately think he must go to Spain or even Italy to flourish. So see ya.

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