
The official I want Robi to stay thread.

Tin hat? Check

Having read most of the Robinho thread and people wanting him hung, drawn and quartered. I'm going on record as saying I want him to stay. I honestly believe that for whatever reason, his confidence is shattered. With any luck Bobby can gradually coach him back to his brilliant best, which we all know Robi is capable.

I'm now going into hiding.......
The Fat el Hombre said:
Not read this thread but... it is not time for Robinho to go

I still have faith that Mancini will get the best out of him, but today that took a huge blow. He was an absolute disgrace. As soon as Roque came off and this little fucking girl came on we were completely fucked

I still have (little) faith that Mancini will get the best out of the guy, but if he carries on like he did today there's abslutely no doubt about it that we are better off without him

Same here. A teeny weeny little bit of me says this player is the dogs bollocks. And that he can still do it if he wants.

However, he is starting to look like he is heading for the exit sign.
i can't see a future for him at City.Its a real shame but something is'nt quite right.He just is'nt suited to the English game.There are other players who can do a better job for us and contribute more to a game.Saying that we were all bad today with the exception of Garrido
dref619 said:
ElanJo said:
Chelsea may not atm due to the narrow system they play but they'd rather have him than Malouda. Wenger would definitely want him if he could afford him. Infact Robinho would shine at Arsenal where player movement is second to none.

He did pretty well in spain. Won Real the league practically on his own but then I guess it's possible that he got valued at around 30mill for nothing... sounds plausable.

mate that is utter bollocks, if he won them the league on his own he would have never got sold.
robinho was brilliant in flashes at real, much like he was last year, and in the main was reduced to a part on the bench, where he would come off and at time provide the inspiration they needed

I can't remember what year it was but it was the year in which half way through the season Real were languishing off the chasing pack. It is widely acknowledged in spain, in a similar way in which it is concerning Tevex saving West Ham from relegation, that Robinho practically single handedly won them the league that year.
Ask Real Madrid fans what they think of his talent and why he got sold
Re: The official I want Robi to stay thread.

If I never see him in a City shirt again, it will be too soon. He is taking the urine. Can you not see this?
RobbieSamba10 said:
As you can probably tell I like Robinho, yes i'm 14 and you may say that's why but, for all you saying he's not suited to the prem league just watch some of the highlights from last year, in a far less talented squad. Yes, he was shocking today and for most of the away games last season, but be honest, who else today would you say had a good game today?
I know it's not just about todays performance but given time and a bit of support i'm sure he will flourish in our team.
And say want you want, but I doubt any city fan doesn't get excited when he gets the ball in the final third of the pitch.

Robinho is a confidence player and needs support from the fans to succeed. At the moment he's not getting any support, and I can see why, so he's low on confidence and not playing well. But reverse that and get behind him and i'm sure we will see a reverse in his performances.

But, you know i'm only 14 so what do I know eh.

Well said laddie, great post.
In fairness you would have got rid of the lot today, except for RSC who was great for 5 mins.

God we need a striker and stevie fit
Re: The official I want Robi to stay thread.

Whilst he's in a City shirt, he has my 100% support, like very other player
We're about to wave goodbye to the best player we've had for a generation, and the majority want to run him to the airport. How depressing.
Re: The official I want Robi to stay thread.

ihateredknapp said:
Whilst he's in a City shirt, he has my 100% support, like very other player

So if he sat down in the centre circle for ninety minutes, would that be okay as long as he had a City shirt on?

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