
Ship him out now, waste of money he spent more energy on chasing the ref and arguing wth the linesman. We know longer need this waste of space lets spend money on players that want to play for our club not this pre madonna.
BurnCK said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
It's always 'blame Robinho' on here when we lose or draw, or win actually, it's a little simplistic and also quite sad especially as it's all repeated tabloid nonsense that our fans have swallowed lock, stock and fucking barrel.

That's bollocks.....we don't 'blame' Robinho, we just think he's shit cos he is shit ! At least all the other players who have a bad game will make amends for it where as that **** is shit game after game after game.....

A big name, a big price tag, a few fancy stepovers doesn't make a world class player. I personally couldn't give a shit if he never put on a City shirt again !

Fair enough.

I beg to differ though.
RobbieSamba10 said:
As you can probably tell I like Robinho, yes i'm 14 and you may say that's why but, for all you saying he's not suited to the prem league just watch some of the highlights from last year, in a far less talented squad. Yes, he was shocking today and for most of the away games last season, but be honest, who else today would you say had a good game today?
I know it's not just about todays performance but given time and a bit of support i'm sure he will flourish in our team.
And say want you want, but I doubt any city fan doesn't get excited when he gets the ball in the final third of the pitch.

Robinho is a confidence player and needs support from the fans to succeed. At the moment he's not getting any support, and I can see why, so he's low on confidence and not playing well. But reverse that and get behind him and i'm sure we will see a reverse in his performances.

But, you know i'm only 14 so what do I know eh.

hey kid your entitled to your opinion, hes consistantly poor though, this talk about the premier league doesnt suit him doesnt wash with me, a top top proffesional would be able to make magic, robinho is not that magic... in all fairness I cant think of the top of my head of a brazilian that has set the prem alight. (notice no swearing )
leewill31 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I think Robinho was shite today. No problems saying that at all

I also think Bellamy was fucking awful today but I'll likely be labelled a rag for daring to say that.

It's always 'blame Robinho' on here when we lose or draw, or win actually, it's a little simplistic and also quite sad especially as it's all repeated tabloid nonsense that our fans have swallowed lock, stock and fucking barrel.

Robinho was shit today.

The other 10 were also a little bit shit.

m8 i think we all thought the team was shit today but the fact is for all the talent robbie has we just are not seeing it and its bloody criminal,it comes i time when we can defend only so much as i did with hughes and in the end it was not to be and i realized his shortcomings as a top manager.

i still do i hope i really do that robbie comes good and may well prove to be the player to get us into the top 4 but we are just not getting the player we bought at this time.

You've hit the nail on the head.

Robinho is class but playing shit.

That I agree with.

To say Robinho is shit though is incredibly short sighted.
Barry Conlons wig said:
sticking my neck out here. Robinho is the best football player at Man City BAR NONE: Don't drive him out, chill out blues, who was it ensured a win at goodison last season again? You're seemingly all on his case when the truth is Tevez,Bellers,Barry,Petrov and Kompany also played wank. Get off Robbies back! I've never seen anyone drill balls into the top of the net like he can.

they all did play like shit, robinho is consistant with it though, and yes your necks for the chop ;-)
Plus when the others are shit, they actually work hard and try, Robinho just daydreams about how much money he's robbing us each day.
TheMightyQuinn said:
leewill31 said:
m8 i think we all thought the team was shit today but the fact is for all the talent robbie has we just are not seeing it and its bloody criminal,it comes i time when we can defend only so much as i did with hughes and in the end it was not to be and i realized his shortcomings as a top manager.

i still do i hope i really do that robbie comes good and may well prove to be the player to get us into the top 4 but we are just not getting the player we bought at this time.

You've hit the nail on the head.

Robinho is class but playing shit.

That I agree with.

To say Robinho is shit though is incredibly short sighted.

yes very much agreed.
ive consistently said that robinho will be gone by the summer. blatantly obvious his hearts not in it and he doesnt want to play for the club. i for one wont miss him.
leewill31 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
You've hit the nail on the head.

Robinho is class but playing shit.

That I agree with.

To say Robinho is shit though is incredibly short sighted.

yes very much agreed.

The fact is, whether he stays or goes, he's going to win shit loads of trophies in his career.

Even though Robinho was wank today he still created a few chances and was in position when he wanked it over the bar. Which is more than can be said for most today.

I'm as unhappy as the next guy with City today but all 14 of them not just the 1.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
they all did play like shit, robinho is consistant with it though, and yes your necks for the chop ;-)
Plus when the others are shit, they actually work hard and try, Robinho just daydreams about how much money he's robbing us each day.

And how if he only played for Barcelona, he would some day become the best player in the world.
He is indifferent and deluded. It is not a winning combination.

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