
didactic said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
your a fucking first class prick that is clearly a jonny come lately, for your information I was at the goodison shed, with the prawn sandwich brigade sat on my hands like a spacker and was totally and utterly fucking pissed off with the lazy twat, yes the rest of them today were equally abysmal, however he is not worth shit let alone £32,000,000. Ive had enough of paying the fuckers wages, most people struggle to make the money for a season ticket and that tosser strolls about like we owe him something....... read this robinho please pack your bags your not wanted... nor needed.

You dont pay Robinho anything, you mad the team lost and need a scapegoat. The lad created two perfect chances which other players fluffed up. Stop complaining about your situation the world is hard even struggles you should have been an athlete then. The Club made a loss all the money comes for the owners pockets not from your wages, stop venting your frustrations its not Robinhos fault. He is under contract for another 3 years and its incremental, which means he gets more each year. Bet that makes you even madder :)

If he leaves you will be one of the many saying how we miss him. Jesus you act lie City been in the top four for years and he made us dip in form, if im not mistaken he carried the club last season. Oh well. Such short memories we have.
Sticking my neck out here. Robinho is the best football player at Man City BAR NONE: Don't drive him out, chill out blues, who was it ensured a win at goodison last season again? You're seemingly all on his case when the truth is Tevez,Bellers,Barry,Petrov and Kompany also played wank. Get off Robbies back! I've never seen anyone drill balls into the top of the net like he can.
leewill31 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Shame Robinho was awful today.

On the plus side I think Tevez and Bellamy had the game of their lives.

Jesus wept.

Props to Immaculate Pasta, you're my boy.

come on m8 even my patients are swaying a little!

I think Robinho was shite today. No problems saying that at all

I also think Bellamy was fucking awful today but I'll likely be labelled a rag for daring to say that.

It's always 'blame Robinho' on here when we lose or draw, or win actually, it's a little simplistic and also quite sad especially as it's all repeated tabloid nonsense that our fans have swallowed lock, stock and fucking barrel.

Robinho was shit today.

The other 10 were also a little bit shit.
didactic said:
You dont pay Robinho anything, you mad the team lost and need a scapegoat. The lad created two perfect chances which other players fluffed up. Stop complaining about your situation the world is hard even struggles you should have been an athlete then. The Club made a loss all the money comes for the owners pockets not from your wages, stop venting your frustrations its not Robinhos fault. He is under contract for another 3 years and its incremental, which means he gets more each year. Bet that makes you even madder :)

If he leaves you will be one of the many saying how we miss him. Jesus you act lie City been in the top four for years and he made us dip in form, if im not mistaken he carried the club last season. Oh well. Such short memories we have.
Sticking my neck out here. Robinho is the best football player at Man City BAR NONE: Don't drive him out, chill out blues, who was it ensured a win at goodison last season again? You're seemingly all on his case when the truth is Tevez,Bellers,Barry,Petrov and Kompany also played wank. Get off Robbies back! I've never seen anyone drill balls into the top of the net like he can.

Good post.

Makes me laugh how they single out Robinho because Sky and The Sun told them to but they won't mention the fact that the rest were shit.

Same last season, none of them played well away yet Robinho is now seen as the sole reason we were so shit.
TheMightyQuinn said:
It's always 'blame Robinho' on here when we lose or draw, or win actually, it's a little simplistic and also quite sad especially as it's all repeated tabloid nonsense that our fans have swallowed lock, stock and fucking barrel.

That's bollocks.....we don't 'blame' Robinho, we just think he's shit cos he is shit ! At least all the other players who have a bad game will make amends for it where as that **** is shit game after game after game.....

A big name, a big price tag, a few fancy stepovers doesn't make a world class player. I personally couldn't give a shit if he never put on a City shirt again !

Some people on here have mentioned 'small club mentality' because we don't get behind players....Well how about 'small club mentality' because some of you can't see the evidence on the pitch and are only going off his price tag and the fact he's Brazilian !
As you can probably tell I like Robinho, yes i'm 14 and you may say that's why but, for all you saying he's not suited to the prem league just watch some of the highlights from last year, in a far less talented squad. Yes, he was shocking today and for most of the away games last season, but be honest, who else today would you say had a good game today?
I know it's not just about todays performance but given time and a bit of support i'm sure he will flourish in our team.
And say want you want, but I doubt any city fan doesn't get excited when he gets the ball in the final third of the pitch.

Robinho is a confidence player and needs support from the fans to succeed. At the moment he's not getting any support, and I can see why, so he's low on confidence and not playing well. But reverse that and get behind him and i'm sure we will see a reverse in his performances.

But, you know i'm only 14 so what do I know eh.
sticking my neck out here. Robinho is the best football player at Man City BAR NONE: Don't drive him out, chill out blues, who was it ensured a win at goodison last season again? You're seemingly all on his case when the truth is Tevez,Bellers,Barry,Petrov and Kompany also played wank. Get off Robbies back! I've never seen anyone drill balls into the top of the net like he can.

they all did play like shit, robinho is consistant with it though, and yes your necks for the chop ;-)
TheMightyQuinn said:
leewill31 said:
come on m8 even my patients are swaying a little!

I think Robinho was shite today. No problems saying that at all

I also think Bellamy was fucking awful today but I'll likely be labelled a rag for daring to say that.

It's always 'blame Robinho' on here when we lose or draw, or win actually, it's a little simplistic and also quite sad especially as it's all repeated tabloid nonsense that our fans have swallowed lock, stock and fucking barrel.

Robinho was shit today.

The other 10 were also a little bit shit.

m8 i think we all thought the team was shit today but the fact is for all the talent robbie has we just are not seeing it and its bloody criminal,it comes i time when we can defend only so much as i did with hughes and in the end it was not to be and i realized his shortcomings as a top manager.

i still do i hope i really do that robbie comes good and may well prove to be the player to get us into the top 4 but we are just not getting the player we bought at this time.
In Robinho's defence, he keeps getting played out of position.

Mancini was stupid to play him as centre forward.

There is only one place to play him, and that is the problem with him.

On the left of the attackers in a 4-3-3.

But that is not a formation favoured by the. manager. And that's Bellamy's best position too.

Bye bye Robinho. You can play, but not in the premier league.

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