
Maccite Blueite said:
80s Shorts said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Exactly - you can't be verbally abusing a player (justifiably) one minute then say; 'actually,he's ok' in the next.................where's your 'PRIDE IN BATTLE' ????

He is morally bankrupt, and I for one do not want him besmerching the good name of our club in our shirt. Im horrified that some City fans have such short memories and are being very two faced about this.

Dont be so fkin ridiculous. "Morally bankrupt", what a croc of shit.

Gadafi, Husein, hitler. now there is morally bankrupt.

that made me laugh, 80s shorts,,but very true mucker

I'd put him in that bracket - with a better tan than Adolf though..............
Pigeonho said:
Motty said:
Pigeonho said:
His United connections are history, they mean zilch, zero, nothing. If we were signing him FROM United then yeah, fair enough, but we wouldn't be, we would be signing him from Real Madrid - there is nothing there to do with United. Ronaldo = 35+ goals a season. 35+ goals a season = the league title, perhaps more too. Anyone who doesn't want Ronaldo because of his United history is putting that before what is best for the club, because it doesn't take a genius to work out that those 35 goals a season will bring silverware in abundance. Fuck his history, it is exactly that, history.

But is paying £110m for someone and 400k a week really best for the club anyway? I don't really think it is. Even if you remove his United connections from the equation.
And it's not as if he's the only person who we could sign who could guide us to silverware.
If that's what the Sheikh wants to do with his money, so be it. The powers that be will work out if we can afford it, and if we can there is then nothing to stop us doing it, if Ronaldo wanted to come that is.
As for the silverware thing, I can't think of a player who we could get who would score us 35+ goals a season with a proven premier league track record to boot. 70 goals in 71 games he was on at one point this season, then he went and broke the Primera Liga most goals in a season record.
Top 4 player in the world.
Signing him from one of the top 3 clubs in the world.
Would more or less guarantee the title with the players already here.
The whole world would drop their jaw at the signing.

There is nothing negative about Ronaldo coming to us.

Haven't you spent the last few months suggesting that anyone who would even think a top player like Ronaldo would come to City would be "fucking stupid"?
Soulboy said:
Pigeonho said:
Motty said:
But is paying £110m for someone and 400k a week really best for the club anyway? I don't really think it is. Even if you remove his United connections from the equation.
And it's not as if he's the only person who we could sign who could guide us to silverware.
If that's what the Sheikh wants to do with his money, so be it. The powers that be will work out if we can afford it, and if we can there is then nothing to stop us doing it, if Ronaldo wanted to come that is.
As for the silverware thing, I can't think of a player who we could get who would score us 35+ goals a season with a proven premier league track record to boot. 70 goals in 71 he was on at one point this season, then he went and broke the Primera Liga most goals in a season record.
Top 4 player in the world.
Signing him from one of the top 3 clubs in the world.
Would more or less guarantee the title with the players already here.
The whole world would drop their jaw at the signing.

There is nothing negative about Ronaldo coming to us.

Haven't you spent the last few months suggesting that anyone who would even think a top player like Ronaldo would come to City would be "fucking stupid"?
No, that was regarding the Barca trio of Messi, Xavi or Iniesta. I have said for ages that out of the current top crop of players in the world, Ronaldo would be the one who would at least think of entertaining the idea.
Pretty certain I didn't use the term 'fucking stupid' too, but nice try.
Thinking about this again, if Tevez is on his way out, that could knock 60 m the transfer fee, (not too long ago we were prepared to stump up 100m for Kaka).

So we have an outlay of 100m but know his signing will guarantee Prem Title and potentially CL last 4 at least, suspect that will bring in extra 30m. Shirt sales worldwide might add another 5 -10m on top over course of contract so the actual outlay over the four or five years would be something like 60 m or 15m per year under amortisation. But you have to add wages 400K per week which if the deal involves Tevez he is on 250K per week which means a deficit of 150K per week, just Ade being sold would take care of that.

Overall money wise looking at that I can see it is feasible.

(Still won't happen though)
Pigeonho said:
Soulboy said:
Pigeonho said:
If that's what the Sheikh wants to do with his money, so be it. The powers that be will work out if we can afford it, and if we can there is then nothing to stop us doing it, if Ronaldo wanted to come that is.
As for the silverware thing, I can't think of a player who we could get who would score us 35+ goals a season with a proven premier league track record to boot. 70 goals in 71 he was on at one point this season, then he went and broke the Primera Liga most goals in a season record.
Top 4 player in the world.
Signing him from one of the top 3 clubs in the world.
Would more or less guarantee the title with the players already here.
The whole world would drop their jaw at the signing.

There is nothing negative about Ronaldo coming to us.

Haven't you spent the last few months suggesting that anyone who would even think a top player like Ronaldo would come to City would be "fucking stupid"?
No, that was regarding the Barca trio of Messi, Xavi or Iniesta. I have said for ages that out of the current top crop of players in the world, Ronaldo would be the one who would at least think of entertaining the idea.
Pretty certain I didn't use the term 'fucking stupid' too, but nice try.

Don't make me go looking for your comments!

I say, sign him up.

Give him 400k a week,
Buy him for whatever amount it takes,
Let him be captain,

But there must be a clause in his contract that states:-

Rammyblues said:
Thinking about this again, if Tevez is on his way out, that could knock 60 m the transfer fee, (not too long ago we were prepared to stump up 100m for Kaka).

So we have an outlay of 100m but know his signing will guarantee Prem Title and potentially CL last 4 at least, suspect that will bring in extra 30m. Shirt sales worldwide might add another 5 -10m on top over course of contract so the actual outlay over the four or five years would be something like 60 m or 15m per year under amortisation. But you have to add wages 400K per week which if the deal involves Tevez he is on 250K per week which means a deficit of 150K per week, just Ade being sold would take care of that.

Overall money wise looking at that I can see it is feasible.

(Still won't happen though)
Can't believe anyone who wouldn't want to sign a player and talent like Ronaldo to be honest.

Big deal, he played for United?? so what, makes no difference to me at all??

Also regarding the money situation, YES, it would take a lot of money to get him here but let's not lose sight of the fact of just how much money our owners actually have and see it from their prespective rather than our own. It would be a drop in the ocean to our owners.

The only negative I can see is the FFPR coming into effect but surely with so many players leaving the club this summer, this will offset things a bit.

Grab the opportuntity with both hands whilst we have the chance!!
I agree with alot of posters on here if there is any chance what so ever of this deal coming of (which i dought) like a few have said grab it with both hands i dont really give a flying shite he played for the scum,undoubtedly one of if not the best footballer on the planet and he would raise the profile of our club round the world no end,so yeh if our fantastic owner wants to spend his money on him who are we to stop him
ello_jo said:
People saying no because of the money I can understand-ish. But people saying no as a player then, OH MY GOD, leave this forum please. No to ronaldo? What. The guy is a fucking immense talent and we saw exactly what he can do to the premier league in his last season. We would absolutely piss the league if we signed him hands down.

And as for the money part of it, we are going to buy atleast four players and put them on £100 grand a week because thats what we do now. So why not get arguably best player in the world and just save the hassle of the other 3 and let the youth come through.

I think this is a good point and one I hadn't thought of myself. With some of the players linked, we have a good go at the league. With the current batch and Tranny we would win it in my opinion.

Do I like Ronaldo? No. Would City win the league with him in the team? Yes.

I wouldn't let my opinion of someone as a person (that I don't actually know) get in the way of what is best for City.

If the club are happy to sanction a deal like this, I trust they have more than thought about the repercussions of the FFPR. Therefore I am not fussed about the figures involves.

One thing putting me off is his alleged request to be captain. I want Vinny take it over next season, a player that deserves the band.

What would be the effect on the dressing room should Ronaldo waltz in on that money, and immediately becomes captain? I don't like to think.

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