Rooney (MERGED)

Re: Rooney Wants Out...

BillyShears said:
m27 said:
I've had a few days to think about this and also chat to a few people in the loop and I've come the following conclusions:

1) He definitely wants out;
2) He isn't keen on a move abroad;
3) We HAVE to make this happen.

I know it would involve giving them alot of money, but it would be an amazing deal for us. We would get a great player and it would also signal the end for Ferguson and United. They have never had to sell their best player to us before, but if he doesn't want to move abroad, they can't risk him running his contract down and may just have to bite the bullet.

Oh my days, this could be side-splitting.

Jesus - if he says he doesn't want to move abroad, then they really are staring down the fucking barrel.

He's too much of a 'home boy' to want to go abroad and no way will his missus leave without her family. After all she has a disabled sister who isn't that well so i very much doubt the family would up sticks, not even to 'down dat der london'
Re: Rooney Wants Out...

Bluemoon115 said:
Bigga said:
Are you guys really thinking this through??

The Scum will not sell to us as rivals. No way.

Real are having cash flow problems with player's wages exceeding sustainable debt management.

The Glazers know their club need players.

Shrek doesn't want to play under Whiskey, no more.

It's not rocket science in my mind.
Bigga, I'd agree with you if Rooney had an extra year on his contract.

But he has 18 months. In just over a year he's free to discuss a deal with any foreign club he wishes.

Now, without meaning to be offensive to foreign clubs, they do have a habbit of fucking others about. They would string the rags along, leading closer and closer to the period where he can talk to them for free. Not to mention, if he were to be sold, it would likely be on a continental staggered payment.

We can offer hard cash to be transferred to Sir Malcolm on the 1st Jan.

I'm not saying it WILL happen, but it's far more possible than it might first seem. Especially if he wants to stay in the NW (Without moving to Tranmere).

I don't understand why you think he has all the power!

If they want to make player acquisition from his trading, he'll not have a say in it. Sure, he can say 'no', but he'll not play in the first team by design plus drive his own worth down. Not in a first team for 18 months? Career killer.

So... Coleen has a career in England. And?

It's a 2 hour flight. Big deal.

It is players they need if they want to save their season.

They've been after Benzema for 2 years and although he doesn't want to play for them, he isn't getting a regular starting place at Real. Time for a re-think on his behalf.

They'll be another player or two that will be swapped, but I can't think of their names offhand.
Re: Shrek Yes Or No

Who cares if he shags Mrs Marple every tuesday night up the ar*e!
If he can bang goals in and play well thats good enough for me.
What half the over paid clowns do off the pitch is their business.
He could do a job for us, look at when Bellamy was rumoured to sign for us!
No. Would feel like selling our soul. And we're not going to put that much cash in the Manure pockets. And we've been signing players of decent moral character and getting rid of the bad eggs - we don't need prostitutes and craziness on the back page when owned by devout muslims. And Tevez >>> Rooney as a play. No. If he leave Manure, he'll go abroad.
Re: Rooney Wants Out...

m27 said:
Balti said:
All reasonable. Except he is now shit!!!!!!!!!!

We saw Blackpool strikers today with more goals this season than that useless fat scouse twat. Why do you think they want to try and cash in on him. Or maybe his Saint wayne perfornances for Engerland have turned you on to his oh so MASSIVE talent??

god no.

He is in the worst form of his life and it sounds like he's fucked off with life at United. He has played 8 years in the top flight and might just have gone stale.

He isn't "shit" and a motivated Rooney is truly world class. I have my doubts over his physique but even if his career finished early if we bought him in the summer we should still get three great years out of him.

When I first hear this I thought it was nonsense and I was unsure. Now I know it's true I'm really warming to it.

why would the rags tout him around?
1/ they need the money obviously (and who else can afford him in this country other than Chelsea?)
2/ they don't believe he's their primary asset anymore (because he's been shit) and would like to cash in on him now he can no longer carry their aging team
if we signed rooney...wayne could you support our club?

seriously, he's not only scum, on the pitch and off, but he's also a rag.

I couldn't, just sign Torres instead, there's a decent over-valued striker who's injury prone and currently playing shit and will have no affinity for our club.
Re: Rooney Wants Out...

waspish said:
fbloke said:
The even scarier part of it is that City are, according to some, in pole position to sign him.

I have just checked and I have had 9 separate people PM me on this very issue.

One BMer specifically made it clear ahead of all the press that United are hawking him round to a select band of clubs.

It may be that Fergie's people are doing the talking?

Fergie is a scumbag but he's not Daft Rooney is shot passed it fucked up Tipping point do not want him do not want to give the scum one cent.....................Fuck em!!!!!!!

how much of a say does Fergie have on this situation, though? He's at the end of his line. Does he even come back next season? Imagine if City came in with an offer, 60 million (just throwing a random figure out there), take it or leave it. The Glazers in a desperate effort to balance the books believe they have no choice. Fergie, even though he's had his riffs with the player, throws his toys out the pram that the owners have sanctioned the sale. Fergie fumes leaving to his resignation, we end up with their talisman, and the Glazers smile because they've got a nice cheque in their pocket. It's the perfect storm.

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