Roque Santa Cruz [merged]

Well from what I saw last season we were crying out for a big man up front. We have now got one that knows where the net is, he has a great precence and can play, Caicedo will learn alot off RSC and most of all RSC has a manager that believes in him, we have plenty of class ball players now we have a precence too, we are going to be a hell of a side next saeson already, and the window dosn't offically open until July.
mat said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
mat said:
We offer 12 million in Jan, BFS tells us 20, we say "fuck off we ain't being ripped off".

Come June we offer 18 for him!!!!

I hope we ain't being ripped off?
on RSCs website it says 15 million

That's a little bit better.

I was going off that Scotch ponce on Shite sports news.

Its Scots ponce mate!

Scotch is what you get pissed on!
FazzMCFC09 said:
Well this 18mil will be as wastful as it was on jo .......

i dont see this money comin out off ure pocket! how can u say its a waste off money he's a player who can only improve are team when he plays and is proven in the premier league
Spindash said:
Jay-Mcfc said:
pbibs said:
C_T_I_D said:
It's hardly ambitious though is it? I mean how many other clubs wanted him? Spurs maybe?

Signing a player from Blackburn smacks of comfort zone signing from Hughes in my opinion.

Robinho must be jumping for joy!!

What wud make u jump for joy you depressing btard. Go get some prozac I'm sick of your downers on this forum. SIGH
Gives his own opinion and gets slaughtered. SIGH.

People are allowed to comment on other people's opinions. SIGH etc.

Spindash said:
Jay-Mcfc said:
pbibs said:
C_T_I_D said:
It's hardly ambitious though is it? I mean how many other clubs wanted him? Spurs maybe?

Signing a player from Blackburn smacks of comfort zone signing from Hughes in my opinion.

Robinho must be jumping for joy!!

What wud make u jump for joy you depressing btard. Go get some prozac I'm sick of your downers on this forum. SIGH
Gives his own opinion and gets slaughtered. SIGH.

People are allowed to comment on other people's opinions. SIGH etc.

bluefandk said:
If we are paying 18 million then we are getting arse raped by Fat Sam.

If he can stay fit he will be a good addition to the sqaud.

Two very big ifs!

The biggest problem Problem I have with this signing is, that it is yet another indication, that Hughes is desperate to stay in his comfort zone.

Too early to judge this transferwindow though, if Hughes can bring in a couple of surprises it may still turn out for the best.

I agree, if he stays fit he will be a useful player to have. But he's not worth £18m, no way.
FFS Why do you lot believe we are paying £18m for RSC ?

Oh yea ! Because those paragons of truth and accuracy Sky Sports says so !

FFS try thinking before you type your negative bullshit which is based on Sky's negative bullshit.

Even if we are paying £18m (and I don't believe we are) RSC is a vast improvement over our current striking options and will be playing for the Manager under whom he looked like a worldbeater the season before last. Happy days I say :)
Ducado said:
bluejue said:
Pressure of a website?? Behave, half the keyboard muppets on here have never stepped foot inside Eastlands, they're too busy on here typing negative shite about anything City.

Do you think that the negativity is just on the site - I really hope u are right cos I am pretty pissed off today. I know people are right to be concerned about the potential injury problems but I still think some posters have now got ideas above their station!!

Maybe because this is the biggest City forum, but it does seem to attract them, never seen so much nonsense and doom laden ranting
There ain't no negativity in the ground, christ we are buzzin, we need a player we go get him, this fantasy football shite I read on here is just that fantasy and shite, Barry is a class act and is just what we needed and is the right age for us, ditto RSC, if this carries on much longer and we go out and buy a dominant top class centre half the top 4 is on.
kippax neil said:
Blue Phil said:
Its the same with Mark Hughes as well, i am sick of reading Hughes out threads wehn we lose a game, he is a top class manager who is getting the club back to order, i would take him any day rather than sven who, led the dressing room like a school playground without dissapline and lost a large amount of games in the second half of the season, getting thrashed by middlesborough 8-1 when last season they only managed something like 25 goals over all. But when we win no one gives hughes credit.

Yes, Sven has won nothing in his career has he? He's a tosser with with no idea how deal with players.

Get back on topic. Santa Cruz - great first season, injury prone second season, not worth £18m. End of!!!

are u pissed sven was good for us and got screwed by taksin did good for us and should of got more time but he didn't.
and as far as him bein a tosser id listen to his opinion over yours any day cos u talk shit!!!

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