Roque Santa Cruz [merged]

PJ74 said:
I really do love this club

We can slag off a signing that hasn't even played for us yet, but scored loads in the one full season he played in the premier league just because (a) he missed half of last season at a club he didn't want to be at and (b) because we are that high profile at the moment we should be signing villa, torres, messi, drogba, gerd muller, jimmy greaves, puskas and pele

We have a player at the club who has hardly played in the 2 years he has been here and didn't have a brilliant goalscoring record beforehand and he is a hero

Only at city !!!

Says it all for me, PJ74! Straight and to the point; without doubt RSC adds to the quality of the squad, and gives us options no-one else at the club does. And it's really irrelevant whether he's "good value" or not, it's whether he's good or not, and if some posters think Jo is better... Well, the mind boggles!

Fancy not going to watch the new City enter the most exciting time in the 39 years I've been to watch City just because we've spent £8m or £10m more than Ricster thinks he's worth. It's ludicrous; jeez, I even went to see Gerry Creaney...:0)

Don't do it, Ricster; you'll regret it and miss some fantastic football; fuck the principle, enjoy the ride!
Kirkstall Blue said:
Ricster, seems to get a lot of stick from city fans who have a different view to him, I don't rate the signing of injury prone players any more than he does and we should be able to express that view with out, accusations of "an agenda"
Next season will prove whether it was a good signing or not.

I've never seen Ricster get stick before, and i think, as explained earlier, to which he agreed with, i had reasons to sound his views out as similar as to those without looking at all the sides, i.e an agenda.

Infact you've agreed with it yourself to an extent. How can be dismiss a player so conclusively when he's not even signed for us yet? He's shown he can score 18 goals in a season with a team like B'burn, he may well have dragged his injury out at Bburn to engineer a move away.

Theres a difference between "expressing views" and some of Ricster's posts in this thread imo.
I'm sure these are good blues and nice people, but hysterical is the word alright. If we don't sign other strikers, and he bombs/gets injured, then you will be justified. I happen to believe that we will sign at least one other striker, probably two, so I don't see it as a major concern. He's got the stuff we need upfront, if he stays fit, I am backing him all the way to make a few people eat their words.

Jo is a skillful lad but still manages to be almost completely useless, because he has a dodgy attitude and almost no-understanding of how to make the most of his gifts. Not to mention the fact that he just isnt composed or accurate enough in-front of goal.

RSC has the technique, the physique, but most of all, the nous, to lead the line, pose a serious aerial threat, and take his chances time after time. Injuries are the only major concern, and unless we have a bunch of qualified doctors who've had access to his medical records, I think we have to wait and see on that score.
when all is said and done, cruz rhymes with booze, now theres an idea ;) see u all later!!
hgblue said:
Ricster said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:

when money was tight i would understand but its not as if that is the end of our summer spending.

See thats what annoys me. Its the principal of the fee. Yes its not our money, but any other player we sign in this window and possibly others from now on, your gonna have to add an extra £6 - £12m.

Not so. You may not rate him, and you're entitled to your opinion, but RSC is VERY highly rated within the Football world. Rednapp, Wenger & Ferguson to name a few are rumoured to have been sniffing around. Fortunately we BTOOTW.
well said, 19million for Jo was the quoted figure, at this price RSC is a bargain
andypandy said:
IMHO this is a good signing - it gives us options. RSC may not be the first choice centre forward this season, we will find out more when the transfer window shuts. From what has been muted its doubtful he will be the only forward player we sign this window. But at worst he adds to the depth in our squad.
Personally, I dont give a rats ass what he has or hasn't done at previous clubs. Its about what he does whilst he wears our shirt that matters.
The lad has wanted to come to us for a while now, lets just give him a chance and some support.

Hopefully he will Roque the socks off people and Cruz to the top of the goalscoring charts and be like an early Christmas present from Santa :-D
Rösler's Dad said:
PJ74 said:
I really do love this club

We can slag off a signing that hasn't even played for us yet, but scored loads in the one full season he played in the premier league just because (a) he missed half of last season at a club he didn't want to be at and (b) because we are that high profile at the moment we should be signing villa, torres, messi, drogba, gerd muller, jimmy greaves, puskas and pele

We have a player at the club who has hardly played in the 2 years he has been here and didn't have a brilliant goalscoring record beforehand and he is a hero

Only at city !!!

Says it all for me, PJ74! Straight and to the point; without doubt RSC adds to the quality of the squad, and gives us options no-one else at the club does. And it's really irrelevant whether he's "good value" or not, it's whether he's good or not, and if some posters think Jo is better... Well, the mind boggles!

Fancy not going to watch the new City enter the most exciting time in the 39 years I've been to watch City just because we've spent £8m or £10m more than Ricster thinks he's worth. It's ludicrous; jeez, I even went to see Gerry Creaney...:0)

Don't do it, Ricster; you'll regret it and miss some fantastic football; fuck the principle, enjoy the ride!
No do it. We don't need "fans" like this abusing our players from the stands and generally giving City fans a bad name
Vitek said:
sam the drummer said:
A positive of Santa is that we actually have a player who wants to play for the club and manager and isnt just in it for the money

verry good post...

Until someone calls him for being unprofessional by (perhaps) malingering and trying to engineer a move away (anywhere) from Blackburn, as opposed to positively wanting City, regardless.

Not an opinion I hold, just saying. Anyway, good luck to him. I hope he demonstrates the Bellamy attitude when he pulls on the blue.
C_T_I_D said:
andypandy said:
IMHO this is a good signing - it gives us options. RSC may not be the first choice centre forward this season, we will find out more when the transfer window shuts. From what has been muted its doubtful he will be the only forward player we sign this window. But at worst he adds to the depth in our squad.
Personally, I dont give a rats ass what he has or hasn't done at previous clubs. Its about what he does whilst he wears our shirt that matters.
The lad has wanted to come to us for a while now, lets just give him a chance and some support.

Hopefully he will Roque the socks off people and Cruz to the top of the goalscoring charts and be like an early Christmas present from Santa :-D


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