Ross Barkley

Yeah, OK then. Remind me when Silva & Toure play as your central midfield 2.

Sigurddson & Barkley as the midfield pair with 3 attacking players in front of them is an absolutely laughable suggestion and would be suicide in a match against the CL elite. In fact even in PL games it's pretty daft.

Have another think.

Edit: I can't believe I missed this gem, too:

"I'm just flabbergasted at little knowledge of the game some people have on here"


When did I say Silva played as our central midfielder???? I merely stated that Sigurdsson has a lot more assists than him and for people to knock him is a little harsh, You do realize he is of the Toni Kroos mould and if I'm not wrong, Toni Kroos and Luka Modric are the central midfielders for a Real Madrid team who are head and shoulders above us at the moment, If two players of that ilk can anchor their midfield, Why is a player of Sigurdsson's quality and Barkley or Isco's, Not good enough for ours? There's the typical arrogant blue moon footballing snob attitude, Which rears it's head all the time.

Oh and i'll save you the hassle of writing it , 'Yeah, yeah I'm a rag and I hate City and I'm a wum', That's the only response you can get when you remotely question what we're doing on here at the moment.[/quote]

Before I respond, again, to your ridiculous suggestion, I'll start by saying my username should highlight I'm not a blue of the City kind. That also means I'm not for one moment going to call you a "rag" or insinuate that you hate City.

What I will say is that for you to say you find it laughable how poor some people's football knowledge on here is, is extremely laughable in itself.

You brought up the problem of your central midfield when you said you'd rather have 2 of Isco / Barkley / Sigurdsson playing there instead of your current central midfielders. Note I'm saying central midfielders and not attacking midfielders.

You then compared Sigurdsson's assists stats with Yaya, who granted has been disappointing this season, and Silva. Sigurdsson may well have more assists than Silva - so what? Those two are simply incomparable and even more so when were talking central midfielders here, ones who can help out in defensive and attacking situations. (Just bringing assists stats out btw probes absolutely nothing, but lets not get into that now).

Madrid play with Kroos & Modric at CM because they have a system, along with the players, to do that. Whilst they aren't monsters in the art of defending, they're positionally excellent and can retain possession as well as most players in world football. Two key traits in the art of modern central midfielders.

Sigurdsson - Decent player and nothing else. He couldn't cut it at Tottenham and is plying his trade with Swansea for a reason. His assist count may well be impressive, but then again he's their best midfielder amongst a bunch of average ones so he's bound to stand out. When you have the number of world class players that City have, you don't have to have your assists coming from the same player. You have creators all over the pitch. Sigurdsson is never an elite player and never will be.

Barkley has incredible potential but at the moment that is it. Powerful, good with the ball at his feet, excellent shot. Has he ever shown any evidence to suggest he can form one half of a CL winning central midfield off the back of a number of performances for Everton in a more attacking role? Absolutely not.

To merely suggest those two playing in central midfield, behind 3 more attacking midfielders, could propel you to the European elite is absolutely absurd. It really is.

Barkley would be a great signing but as an attacking midfielder. Even the box to box type in a central midfield 3.

But hey, what do we footballing novices know, eh? If you think TB & FS should go all out to ensure you've got a Sigurdsson/Barkley midfield 2 against the likes of Chelsea, Madrid, Bayern, Barca et al next season then good luck to you.
See that's where you're wrong again Latics, You say Sigurdsson couldn't cut it at Spurs, How do you know he couldn't cut it? Have you noticed how dysfunctional that club is? Tottenham is a club that can make Christian Eriksen look average because of the overall mess they are. You can't hold Sigurdsson's Spurs stint against him, and I'm not some Sigurdsson fan boy or an Icelandic City fan btw, I merely suggested that we need better technical players in the centre of our midfield since our philosophy is possession.

Without throwing another hissy fit at me Latics, What do you think is the reason behind our struggles in Europe? In my opinion it's two or three possible reasons, 1, Slight arrogance and a thought process of us being better than we actually are which In turn leads to us being slightly more open than we should, 2, Defensively not being covered well enough, Which can only be blamed on the cm's we have had for the past 4 years and 3, Facing a constant conundrum of whether to go 1 up top or 2 up top but both of them being redundant since the cm's not working hard enough to justify either, You play two up top and with the dilly dallying of Toure you get over run, You play one up top and you lose the attacking effectiveness despite having some stability in midfield, A problem which wouldn't be the case with two hungry, hard working, technically sound more younger gifted players would give you, Which would allow us to possibly go 4-2-2-2, If Manuel wanted.

I didn't for one second say Sigurdsson was the next Xabi Alonso and was the answer to all of our problems, I was suggesting we need players of his ilk in the 2 with the 3 in front free lancing behind Aguero.
So you complain that our midfield isn't defending enough so we should replace the with 2 players who will defend even less? Great logic. Plus yaya toure is 10x better technically than siggurdson so don't know what your on about there either.
Sigurdsson and Barkley will defend less than Yaya? Lol Did you watch the game against Bayern this year or the game against CSKA? I'm not sure why your heads so far up Yaya's behind considering he disrespected us during the summer and made a laughing stock out of us, Easily replaceable player with a horrendous attitude.
KinkladzeSouthampton said:
Sigurdsson and Barkley will defend less than Yaya? Lol Did you watch the game against Bayern this year or the game against CSKA? I'm not sure why your heads so far up Yaya's behind considering he disrespected us during the summer and made a laughing stock out of us, Easily replaceable player with a horrendous attitude.
No what I said was a siggurdson Barkley combination will defend less than a yaya and either ferna combination. And my heads far from up his arse but the fact is you can't say he's not a better technical player than siggurdson and Barkley. As for replaceable, not really no, other than his terrible attitude and laziness he would be the complete midfielder. Last I will say on this to you because as the saying goes 'don't argue with an idiot they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience' so you're right, siggurdson is world class and him and Barkley as a midfield 2 are sure to win us the champions league
Yaya is a complete midfielder Lol Now I've heard it all, So basically what you're saying is if Yaya had a better work rate, better personality and could actually be bothered he would be complete, and if my uncle had a, Jesus Christ.

You boys keep saying a midfield pairing of Sigurdsson and Barkley wouldn't work, Well what if our coach was Guardiola next year, Are you seriously telling me he with his vision of total football he couldn't make that work? Do you think a Guardiola, Klopp or Simeone would rather work with a Sigurdsson and Barkley center mid pairing or the two big lugz who can't be bothered to track back, constantly are passing it sideways and who pick and choose what games they turn up?
KinkladzeSouthampton said:
Yaya is a complete midfielder Lol Now I've heard it all, So basically what you're saying is if Yaya had a better work rate, better personality and could actually be bothered he would be complete, and if my uncle had a, Jesus Christ.

You boys keep saying a midfield pairing of Sigurdsson and Barkley wouldn't work, Well what if our coach was Guardiola next year, Are you seriously telling me he with his vision of total football he couldn't make that work? Do you think a Guardiola, Klopp or Simeone would rather work with a Sigurdsson and Barkley center mid pairing or the two big lugz who can't be bothered to track back, constantly are passing it sideways and who pick and choose what games they turn up?

I think if we tried to hire any of those managers while telling them Sigurdsson would be a key player in their starting line up they'd still be laughing getting off their plane home.
KinkladzeSouthampton said:
Yaya is a complete midfielder Lol Now I've heard it all, So basically what you're saying is if Yaya had a better work rate, better personality and could actually be bothered he would be complete, and if my uncle had a, Jesus Christ.

You boys keep saying a midfield pairing of Sigurdsson and Barkley wouldn't work, Well what if our coach was Guardiola next year, Are you seriously telling me he with his vision of total football he couldn't make that work? Do you think a Guardiola, Klopp or Simeone would rather work with a Sigurdsson and Barkley center mid pairing or the two big lugz who can't be bothered to track back, constantly are passing it sideways and who pick and choose what games they turn up?

I think you're completely barmy.
barkley is exactly the type of player city should be looking at. Players of his age show promise and its a short window where they plateau or they kick on but the price at the beginning of that window might be half or 1/3 of the price at the end of that short window. Clubs especially the biggest have to sometimes take that chance. The best example of this is for me Lampard. People questioned when chelsea bought him if he was really all that, well yes he was and more. Buy Barkley now, 25/30 mil, might seem a bargain in 2017. Spuds and Bale's another one. Not saying he will be as good as them but 30 mil won't break us, sometimes you have to take that chance.

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