Royal Rumble Tonight

Didn't see this thread. *deletes post in the other*

The whole thing was so boring, WWE/F has fallen so far since the over-the-top characters and cocaine-laced interviews of the 80s/90s with the likes of Hogan, Warrior, Macho Man, and the Million Dollar Man. Every second wrestler now has a generic name like "Alex Riley" and no character at all, the 30-man Royal Rumble was the worst I've ever seen and I've been watching wrestling since the late 80s when I was a little kid.

The Hulk Hogan/Rock of this generation John Cena is so bad that everyone has turned against him and boos him now, but because little kids buy his merchandise they won't turn him into a bad guy.

Shocking stuff, people pay big money to watch these PPVs, I watch them on LiveOnlineFooty and they are nearly all awful, as are the weekly shows (RAW and Smackdown) that I watch out of lifelong habit more than anything.

When is the Undertaker coming back for his yearly dishing out of an arse-kicking to someone at WM?
There was plenty bad back in the 90s, don't know what people always harp on about, the good stuff is on youtube anyway, move on.

problem is WWE can't book, they just have absolutely no idea what they want to/are doing.

I'm happy for Sheamus but what sense does it make? who wants to see Punk/Sheamus or Bryan/Sheamus? nobody.

from the talent pool and where they were in 2003/05 and the people who were still into it they've royally fucked it up by and large, nobody will enjoy Rock/Cena unless Rock kicks his ass and wins and what does that say about the company's top guy?

WWE: Why BtB exists.
Your man Sheamus grew up not too far away from were I am from in Dublin. Remember seeing 1 of his gimicks for a wrestling company over here when he first started out a huge sword he would bring to the ring dress as a warrior. Nice to see him doing well for himself. He used to do the doors in town as well big bastard.

Wrestling will never be as good as the old days if your in your late 20s early 30s. We had the best of the lot. Macho Man Randy Savage , Jake the Snake , Andre the Giant , Hogan , Flair , the Harts , Mr Perfect , Undertaker and even the Warrior. There is no one that you would say is class in wrestling now. Look at it and its gone to the kid market big time.

The only modern day wrestlers that were worth looking at was Kurt Angle and Jericho the rest cant match these. Rock coming back for a big pay day they will get the numbers for there next big Wrestlemania but it will be a poor card. They need to have Jericho in a big fight with 1 of the champions as he will get a good match out of them. Undertaker if he stil doing it will always get a good match out of whoever they put in with them. They need the older generation wrestlers to get the best matches out of the average people there. Its now if your a good talker you get the belt and if you sell enough tops you get the belt nothing to do with talent any more.
Sheamus probably earns the best part of $10m a year now for wrestling for 10 minutes three times a week.

And I think Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, Taker/HHH, Bryan/Sheamus is as good a WM card as any, especially when guys like Ziggler, Barrett (from Preston despite his billing as Manc), Big Show, Kane, etc are on the undercard.

Unfortunately, wrestling fans on the internet have forgotten how to be a fan and can't wait to tell everybody how shit everything is. The WWE is doing pretty good at the moment, vast improvement on the last couple of years and some nice talent is coming through.
Damocles said:
Sheamus probably earns the best part of $10m a year now for wrestling for 10 minutes three times a week.

And I think Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, Taker/HHH, Bryan/Sheamus is as good a WM card as any, especially when guys like Ziggler, Barrett (from Preston despite his billing as Manc), Big Show, Kane, etc are on the undercard.

Unfortunately, wrestling fans on the internet have forgotten how to be a fan and can't wait to tell everybody how shit everything is. The WWE is doing pretty good at the moment, vast improvement on the last couple of years and some nice talent is coming through.

Sheamus v Bryan that was supposed to go down at the last Wrestlemania but it got pulled. Next one looks good with the chamber the only 1 certain in a main event at Mania is Sheamus they could have any of 6 wrestlers fighting him for the belt. Taker v HHH again would rather see Jericho than HHH.
Damocles said:
Sheamus probably earns the best part of $10m a year now for wrestling for 10 minutes three times a week.

And I think Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, Taker/HHH, Bryan/Sheamus is as good a WM card as any, especially when guys like Ziggler, Barrett (from Preston despite his billing as Manc), Big Show, Kane, etc are on the undercard.

Unfortunately, wrestling fans on the internet have forgotten how to be a fan and can't wait to tell everybody how shit everything is. The WWE is doing pretty good at the moment, vast improvement on the last couple of years and some nice talent is coming through.

I think it's a weak Mania card 2bh.
BimboBob said:
citykev28 said:
Are they referred to as "heels" and "faces" because you feel a little silly calling them "goodys" and baddys"?

Yes, yes we do. Damn you for working that out.

ha ha, i used to watch it in the late '80's when Ultimate Warrior, Hogan and Big Boss Man were going strong. Didn't watch it for 15 or so years until my lad got into it when Cena, HHH, Batista and Rey Mysterio were in it. We went to watch it twice at the MEN and once in Sheffield. At the MEN there was a bloke sat behind us commentating on it to his son in a Bolton accent.

"Bloody hell, he only gone and decked off top rope." Piss funny. If they sacked the commentators and put funny British regional accented commentators on, I guarantee it'd be a far better show.

"Blimey, he's kicked him in t'head now. The sneeky bugger."

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