Running thread

Did 11.1 miles last Sunday,ready for the Manchester great run in 10 days time,will probably do the full run this Sunday so I know in my head I can complete it on the day.
Did 11.1 miles last Sunday,ready for the Manchester great run in 10 days time,will probably do the full run this Sunday so I know in my head I can complete it on the day.
Don't stress about it, If you can do 11.1 miles then you can definitely do 13.1 miles. It's only 18% more than you've already done and the atmosphere and adrenaline on the day will get you through it no problem. Just don't set off too fast or you'll crash and burn 3/4 of the way round. Have a target pace that you know you can do (from the training) and stick to it.
Did 11.1 miles last Sunday,ready for the Manchester great run in 10 days time,will probably do the full run this Sunday so I know in my head I can complete it on the day.
Keep your legs fresh for the race.
I wouldnt do more than 9 or 10 miles the week before.
On race day make your first mile the slowest,can be tempting to go too fast.
If you use them maybe have a gel 5 miles into the race
Keep your legs fresh for the race.
I wouldnt do more than 9 or 10 miles the week before.
On race day make your first mile the slowest,can be tempting to go too fast.
If you use them maybe have a gel 5 miles into the race
Thanks for your good advice,what type of gel ?
What zones are you guys running in?
I usually stick with high intensity sprints but considering some zone 2 to build an endurance base and benefit my Mitochondria.
Thanks for your good advice,what type of gel ?
I wouldn't be taking any gels or anything else on board that you have not tried in training, last thing you want Is stomach issues halfway through, if you have trained without then you will be OK, stick to what you know.
Just my two penny's worth on folk telling you not to be doing long runs before the race, this is the general advice that most follow, personally speaking from experience, I think folk are all different, using myself as an example, doing a long run a few times in the build up can be worthwhile.
I ran the boston marathon in 3.14 and did london 6 days later in 3.04, not the first time I've had that kind of improvement in races so close together, my theory is that your not as nervous about the distance and your body being able to stand the strain, therefore your more relaxed and perform better, yep my advice goes against the grain and I'm not saying the other advice is wrong, but just don't be worrying thinking you have done too much. Good luck
What zones are you guys running in?
I usually stick with high intensity sprints but considering some zone 2 to build an endurance base and benefit my Mitochondria.
Most of my training is Z2/3 I usually train 7 days a week so say 6/7, i did used to go hell for leather on say 5/7 but I'm getting better results with less now.
Same as anything though you have to be patient with it, it takes years to build up a decent endurance base and the changes won't happen over night
What zones are you guys running in?
I usually stick with high intensity sprints but considering some zone 2 to build an endurance base and benefit my Mitochondria.
Most plans have a mix of Zone 4/5 intervals and Zone 2 longer runs. Generally much more of the latter than the former. Zone 2 work also gets your body used to using energy reserves efficiently over a long period of time.

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