Running thread

Bournemouth half marathan completed today. Ran with the missus who got herself a PB but not a sub 2 hour half she had hoped for.

Have to say I really enjoyed it. Treated it like a training run and not running flat out gave me the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere, people watch and take in the views. Complete contrast to a normal race where I remember very little as too busy focusing on the race.
3 hours 51mins Chester Marathon, went through halfway in 1:45ish, so I did fall apart in the 2nd half. I'll take it though, the heat in the 2nd half was tough and there were many collapsed bodies at the side of the road. I thought the course was way flatter than it actually was, 3 or 4 hills that'll break your heart in the last 5 mile.

First one done though, time to celebrate.
Well done. Decent time for a first marathon. It doesn't sound like you really fell apart in the second half. A bit slower with an extra 20 minutes, yes, but not bad, certainly for first marathon. The best to aim for might be about 5 minutes slower second half. You can learn from it and improve if you fancy another one in a few months.
3 hours 51mins Chester Marathon, went through halfway in 1:45ish, so I did fall apart in the 2nd half. I'll take it though, the heat in the 2nd half was tough and there were many collapsed bodies at the side of the road. I thought the course was going to be way flatter than it actually was, 3 or 4 hills that'll break your heart in the last 5 mile.

First one done though, time to celebrate.
That's amazing mate. Good on you.
3 hours 51mins Chester Marathon, went through halfway in 1:45ish, so I did fall apart in the 2nd half. I'll take it though, the heat in the 2nd half was tough and there were many collapsed bodies at the side of the road. I thought the course was going to be way flatter than it actually was, 3 or 4 hills that'll break your heart in the last 5 mile.

First one done though, time to celebrate.
Superb running, that heat today was ridiculous for running in so to blast through and go sub4 in your first marathon is awesome
Bournemouth half marathan completed today. Ran with the missus who got herself a PB but not a sub 2 hour half she had hoped for.

Have to say I really enjoyed it. Treated it like a training run and not running flat out gave me the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere, people watch and take in the views. Complete contrast to a normal race where I remember very little as too busy focusing on the race.

Well done
I was close to signing up for that one.
Doing the Maidstone half 22nd instead.
Rochdale half for me today, sandwiched between a 40odd mile bike ride, 1.33 chip time, miles away from my best, but on a shite course and I forgot my running shorts!! Happy with that time tbh considering current fitness, weighed myself before and after the race and I lost half a stone, the heat was mental today.

Well done mate.
Lost Half a stone in a hour and a half though ?!

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