Running thread

The running advocate in me says you should try going out and seeing how it is on a VERY easy run.

Though, it's not worth creating a bigger problem that will cost you more in the long run. Could be worth seeing a physio who could give you good exercises that will help keep you fit and prepare for your op.
Just thought I'd give a little update. I spoke to my GP last week who said I should be fine doing light running so I'm going to be restarting the couch to 5k again soon. Will be very slow but at least I can try it.
Istanbul Marathon completed yesterday. Aiming for 4 hours, finished in 4:53. Heat, beer and kebabs my excuse. Got to 30k in good time and then lost the plot.

However, it was a fabulous event so feel proud and not disheartened. Nursing tight muscles and painful knee today. More beer and kebabs is helping.
Well done mate! What a city to run a marathon in. I wonder if @kerem gokmen ran it?

I know everyone who runs a marathon tries to get the best time. Really completing 26 miles at any pace is really impressive!

Get down to Nevizade Street and have a few extra beers for the rest of us!
i am a machine :) , onto week 9 of couch to 5k 5 min walk 30 mins run 5mins walk, thought fuck it im just going to run 5k getting a bit sick of steve crams voice :), ended up taking me 41.10 :) , now i know im not a speedster ,but my aim was to get to 5k and i got there, now comes the speed, i aim or will do another 2x 5km runs over the next 4 days at my pace and after that try to increase my fitness, stamina and speed, at the moment im running at 7.5 kmph(stop sniggering at the back) but if you would of asked me how long it would take me to run 5k a year ago i would of said never .

so i need to start doing speed runs(my speed) what would people suggest i should up it to and distance perhaps give me a little program it would be very helpful ,
Amazing, well done!

Honestly, going from the couch to running 5k is the hardest part. Speeding up or going further is easier when you have that base fitness.

Intervals helped my speed loads and definitely read 80/20 running by Matt Fitzgerald if you haven’t already.
I kinda ran the course last week and there's a lot of it uphill. I'm only doing it because I know I'll beat my PB if I'm running with people.
Apologies if you've already mentioned it in another comment but what's your local Parkrun? Just curious.
Once I've shaken off this bloody knee injury, I hope to resume my tour of Greater Manchester Parkruns.
Otherwise, in common with an earlier post, I'd recommend Parkrun to anyone as a great way of improving your fitness as part of a supportive community of like-minded people.
Apologies if you've already mentioned it in another comment but what's your local Parkrun? Just curious.
Once I've shaken off this bloody knee injury, I hope to resume my tour of Greater Manchester Parkruns.
Otherwise, in common with an earlier post, I'd recommend Parkrun to anyone as a great way of improving your fitness as part of a supportive community of like-minded people.
Northwich is the one I did Pete. I'm gonna do Delamere too in the coming weeks.
Apologies if you've already mentioned it in another comment but what's your local Parkrun? Just curious.
Once I've shaken off this bloody knee injury, I hope to resume my tour of Greater Manchester Parkruns.
Otherwise, in common with an earlier post, I'd recommend Parkrun to anyone as a great way of improving your fitness as part of a supportive community of like-minded people.
You done the one next to our ground yet mate? Apparently you use the stadium parking. Hoping to run it soon.

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